Leb Die Sekunde

Like Bill

b] Tom's POV

I sighed and strummed my fingers on my thigh. Bill and I were having an interview with a local music television station, the host was too flirty and it was really beginning to bug me. Emily and Hayden were at the side of the 'stage' in the back, watching. Emily was going to let me have Hayden this week, so I insisted we'd meet here so I wouldn't have to come back and forward. Just a month ago, Emily had told me she didn't want me in her life, well, she didn't let me, but she let me in Hayden's, so every weekend I would pick her up and take her to low-key places.

"You guys have been hitting the clubs lot since you're return from tour, but we've noticed, Tom, you haven't been joining your friends. Where have you been? " the interviewer, Tanya, had asked me with an all too familiar flirting smile. I inwardly gagged since she was 10 years older than I.

"Things change, I don't really party much no more."

"And why is that?" she asked. I glanced over at Bill and he was watching me, I could tell by his eyes he was asking weather or not I would tell my secret, I stared at him and he nodded. I looked up at Tanya and folded my arms, and leaning back in the chair.

"Because, I have been spending time with my daughter, Hayden." I said softly. Her smile faltered and her eyes looked as If they were ready to pop out. The fans in the audience had began whispering things, not to my surprise.

"Oh, um, would you like to tell us about her?" she asked.

"I know most people are going to keep asking shit,"-looks like they'll be editing that word out later-"so sure. Hayden isn't a baby from my so-called one night stands as most of you already think, but she was actually a baby from a relationship-"

"So you are in a relationship right now?" Tanya interrupted me.

"Nein, this was from two years ago, when I was 14, ja, I know, pretty young, but that's what happens."

"Ich sehe, so, you keep in contact with the mom?"


"Alright, so, how does Hayden look?"

"Like Bill." I smirked and my twin and I began laughing, at the exact same time, causing the audience to laugh. Ever since Georg and Gustav had made that assumption it's been a joke amongst us.

"Sorry, it's an inside joke, but you would kind of catch onto it." Bill grinned.

"Yea, but anyways, she has dirty blonde hair, caramel hazel eyes, and her mom's beautiful smile and personality, they are both actually here too."

"Oh! Well, would you mind bringing Hayden out?" Tanya asked.

"Oh, I don't know if Emily would want that." I said, and noticed that Emily had came into the view from the side of the stage. I looked at her and our eyes connected, I glanced down at Hayden, then at her. She sighed and nodded.

"Actually, you know what, yea bring Hayden out." I said. Everyone tuned their heads in time to see one of the stage crew bring Hayden to me. She sat in between Bill and I, holding a teddy bear that I had gotten Emily years ago, she must've given it to her.

"She's adorable. Does she talk?"

"Ja, but she usually can be- Hayden!" I said as she began climbing on Bill and trying to grab his hair. Everyone laughed as Bill struggled to get Hayden off, she could be clingy if she wanted to be. I chuckled as Bill finally got her to only sit on his lap, he had pulled a lollypop out of his pocket and handed it to her.

"I was saving that for later but I guess she can have it, Tomi, you owe me a lollypop." Bill said and poked me. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I'll get you a hooker instead." I joked, he smacked me up the head and I just laughed more.

"Don't make me bring out the frying pan." Bill growled.

"If you bring it out, I'm bringing it out."

"Excuse me boys?" Tanya asked, slightly confused.

"Oh, well Tom and I always use to beat each other with frying pans when we would get into arguments, but that was about two years ago."

"Now we use pots." I laughed.

"You boys are something, well that's all we have for today, boys we look forward to seeing you again."

"Sure," Bill and I said and nodded in unison and stalked off stage, each of us holding one of Hayden's hands.

"Mommy!" she squeaked and ran to Emily. Emily picked her up and kissed her forehead and looked at me.

"I honestly thought you'd keep this a secret, not wanting to loose your reputation."

"Nein, I could care less about my reputation now, I have my daughter, I'm not that selfish you know." I said as we all walked out the back, being greeted by fans.

"Sorry, well here is her bag, her vitamins are in there, and so are her dolls. Bill, please ask Simone to make sure he bathes her every day." she said and appeared somewhat uncomfortable by the glares and that some fans were shooting her.

"Ja, sure." Bill laughed.

"Danke, Ich Liebe Sie Hayden." she said and kissed Hayden's forehead again and handed her to me and handed Bill the bag. She gave Bill and I a brief hug.

"Now I've got to see if I could make it to my car alive." she laughed. I smiled and motioned for two of our four body guards to bend down.

"Get her to her car, I'm sure she'd probably get attacked going alone." I said to one, they laughed and walked off with Emily.

"You'll never stop loving her huh?" Bill asked.

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This chapter isnt my favorite, but its an update.