Leb Die Sekunde


Bill's POV

As, Tom, Hayden and I walked towards Tom's car, Tom and I discussed about the interviewer Tanya. She was around 26 years old and very flirty. Through out the interviewer she kept hitting on us and the whole time I wanted to barf,.

"Isn't there a law against what she was trying to pull?" I asked Tom. He started laughing and nodded his head.

"Ja, she was starting to get annoying." he grinned. Hayden was still in his arms, already falling asleep. I smiled and poked my twin.

"She is much like you, you know."

"Really? I think she is like Emily."

"Nein, well actually, hmm...yea I guess but not as much." I said after taking a good double glance at Hayden. She was now definitely asleep. We climbed into the escalade as soon as Tom buckled Hayden into her car seat and began our drive back home.

As soon as we got into the house, our mom immediately kidnapped Hayden from Tom and took her into the kitchen. I inhaled a breath of air and smelt brownies. I take Tom did too, because at the exact same moment we both had sprung off into the kitchen, me being sure to trip him on the way. I laughed and still ran into the kitchen, and felt myself fling backwards. I landed on the floor with a thud and looked up to see Tom grinning mischievously. I narrowed my eyes and jumped up, knocking him on the ground, him being sure to pull me down with him. We rolled around on the floor throwing punches and wrestling for a good ten minutes until Gordon decided to break us up.

"Tom! Bill! Quit acting like five years olds. What's the deal?" he said prying us apart.

"We smelt brownies." Tom said simply. Just by saying that, it would explain everything that happened the moment mom took Hayden. Gordon laughed and released us.

"Well, there was o point to that because Hayden and I ate the last of them." he grinned and patted his stomach. Tom and I groaned in unison and right on cue, Hayden had come running out of the kitchen, with chocolate on her face and running smack into me and squeezing the life out of my dear poor leg. Tom and Gordon laughed and Tom helped me pry Hayden off me.

"She's really clingy to you today." Tom laughed and picked her up, taking the napkin from our mom who had just walked in to wipe Hayden's face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its short.
I know.
But anywhore, its an update right?
I love writing about the twins fighting ;P