Leb Die Sekunde

I think we have an Emergency,

Emily's POV

I've decided to let Tom have Hayden for a whole week instead of just only weekends. I didn't really need to keep her from him like that, he needed to bond with her more than just eight days a month. I had just gotten her back from him this morning. There was no doubt there was something about Tom that I still loved, and I know it was probably because I had his kid, but even so, I couldn't take him back after he abandoned us like that. Right now, Katie, Hayden, I were shopping around the plaza near my home.

"So, how did Hayden do with Tom?" she asked.

"She's doing good , surprisingly." I said while looking through a rack of blouses, I picked out a yellow sundress and looked at the price tag. It was around my spending range so I held onto it along with a few blouses and shorts for Hayden and I.


"Well, yea, she never likes being away form me for a long period of time."

"I remember that one time I kept her over night, she was screaming for you until she fell asleep." Katie laughed as we walked to the register, ignoring stares and such. Ever since Tom's announcement to the world, I may have been hated by every girl in Germany and stalked by paparazzi.

"My poor baby." I said and reached down to kiss Hayden's forehead. She giggled and squirmed around. Katie and I laughed and placed our items on the counter to be rung up. I ended up paying around 80 dollars in total. I love sales. After we had began walking around to find a decent place to eat, we settled for a small restaurant and ate outside at the tables.

"I don't get why you don't get back with Tom, you two are very confusing. I mean come on, you love him, he loves you, you have a kid, why not?" Katie said after taking a sip of her water.

"Katie, it's just...difficult." I said, glaring at the on lookers and the "inconspicuous" photographers.

"Still Emily-"

"Save it Katie, not going to help." I said placing my portion of the bill on the table before getting up and carrying Hayden to my pathetic excuse of a car. I know it seems like a little thing to get upset over, but once you learn that Katie has been telling me this from the moment I told her Tom was back, you'd get why it pisses me off so much.

"Mommy?" Hayden called from the backseat.

"Ja, Hayden?" I asked, glancing at her in the rear view mirror

"I want Ariel." she squeaked. I laughed and nodded, she mean she wanted to watch the little mermaid.

"When we get home honey." I said and she nodded, resting her head in her car seat. My guess, she hadn't napped yet today. I turned on the radio and listened to it for awhile until I had pulled up in to the parking lot of our apartments. Once I had successfully gotten a sleeping Hayden in one arm, and our bags in the other, I walked into the building and hit the button on the elevator. Once I had gotten in, I laid Hayden down in her room and put our clothes away, then after going to lay down on the couch for a while.

A rather loud knock on the door pulled me out of my sleep. I had dreamt about what life would be like if Tom didn't leave, it was always a dream I had every once in a while. I yawned and wiped my eyes and glanced at the clock, it was close to midnight. I raised and eyebrow and got up to open the door, the knocking never succumbing. I opened the door, revealing a woman in her mid-thirties and two men.

"Are you Emily Sweet?" she asked.

"Ja, who are you?" I asked, stifling a yawn.

"I'm sorry for waking you. Miss Sweet, mein name ist Leila Hagen, I'm from CPS, I'm afraid we've gotten a few calls from people about you. We are going o have to take you daughter and investigate these claims." she said, no note of sympathy on her face what so ever. I felt my heart drop and shatter, and the blood rushing to my face and tears welling up.

"What claims?! By who?!"

"Miss, that is confidential. But one claims is unfit parenting, abuse, and starvation."

"Unfit parenting?" Starvation? ABUSE? Go look in my damn fridge and tell me that there is not enough food in there to say I'm starving my daughter! I always spend time with her and never laid a finger on my baby!" I yelled as the two men had pushed past me and went down the hall, in search of Hayden's room.

"Miss Sweet-"

"It's Emily."

"Emily, we need you to calm down, these are just accusations. We are keeping your daughter in custody until they are proven correct, please keep in mind that these claims may take up to thirty days to process."

"Y-you can't take my baby, none of that is true!" I cried as one carried out Hayden in his arms, by this time she was awake and looking around.

"Emily, calm down, for Hayden's sake."

"You are taking my daughter and you want me to be calm?" I whispered harshly.

"We don't want her scared."

"Scared? Look at her! Some stranger is carrying her and you expect her to be calm!"

"Mommy, he's not a stranger, his name is Alex and he's my friend." Hayden said, smiling.

"Oh really honey?"

"Yea, he's taking me where lotsa toys are." she said. I put on the biggest fake smile I could muster, and nodded.

“We’ll be calling you shortly.” Leila said and walked out, Alex and the other man following her. As soon as the door closed, I dropped to my knees and began crying, as hard as I could. I picked up my phone and shakingly began putting in the number. It rang ten times before someone had answered.


“Hello, Simone, may I p-please speak to T-tom, it’s an emergency.” I got our, between sobs.

“Ja, honey are you okay?”


“Ok, here’s Tom.” she said.

“Hello?” came a sleepy voice.


“Em, what’s wrong?”

“T-they took her.”


“Child Protection Services.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This was based off of my shitty day....

Click here to add Emily on myspace! and check out her blogs and posts for hints of what goes on in the next updates, exclusive photos of her and Hayden and be sure to check out her Roleplay Blog!