Leb Die Sekunde

Not the only one

I don’t know what it was that kept me sane these past two weeks. Maybe it was because Tom had never left my side since that night, or maybe it was because I had a gut feeling I would get Hayden back. I went for option two. I had taken it upon myself to make amends with Katieagain so today it was just the two of us heading out to lunch at a small town café. We had just finished up on eating and were walking out to pay our bill. Paying no attention to where I was going, I had bumped into someone.

"Oh hello, I'm sorry." I said after looking up at the man who I had bumped into.

"Oh, it's quite alright. No harm." he smiled. He had the most gorgeous gray eyes, thick black hair. I blushed a little, which Katie saw and she poked me in the ribs, hard.

"I'm Cameron, and you are?"

"Emily, and this my sister Katie." I smiled and shook his hand.

”It is very pleasant to meet you both.”

“Likewise.” I smiled.

”Hey, um, this may sound weird but do you have a boyfriend?"

“No, I don’t, actually."

"Great! Well, uh, I mean not great, for you but for me but anyways! Would you care for dinner, let's say, tonight?" he asked slyy.

"Sure, why not?" I smiled, flirtily, and wrote my number on my receipt and handed it to him.

"Great, I'll call later, see you!" he smiled and walked off.

"Oh my god, he was hot!" I squeked once he was out of sight and nudged Katie, who was glaring at me.

"How can you do that to Tom!" she yelled.


"Flirt with that guy! Don't act stupid Emily, you know Tom loves you! And you do that!"

"Katie, I planned on getting over Tom, not with him." I said sternly.

"Come on Emily you-"

"Katie! Save it! Just because you don't have a love life doesn't mean you could fuck with mine!" I snapped and immediately regretted my words.

"Oh Katie, wait I didn't-"

"Shut up Emily, you're wrong. I'm not even trying to help you. Im leaving." she said and trudged off.

"Katie!" I yelled, and sighed as she turned the corner and didn't even flinch at the sound of her name. I growled and walked to my car and slammed the door and began my drive home.

"Im so fucking stupid." I yelled walking into my apartment. I hadn't realized Tom was still there, for he had gotten up and sat me down.


"Oh, nothing. Just another argument with Katie."

"You two have seemed to be arguing a lot lately, you used to be so close, what happened?"

"You happened Tom, ever since I ran into you that day she's been hoping for us to be together again." I said, rudely. I was s much in stress I couldn't help but snap.

"She's not the only one." he mumbled.

"Ugh, stop! Stop! Stop! Please! I can't deal with this, Tom please go home. I cannot take this no more!" I growled and stood up and ran to my room. I locked the door and flopped on my bed, staring longly at the photo of a familiar dirty blonde, caramel-eyed two year old. I couldn't help but let a single lonely tear shed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Emily's a bitch ^_^
How many of you are dying for them to be together?

Sorry for the delay && any spelling mistakes (im being rushed; will fix later if any)
Writers block :(
Ill update this weekend.
Comments will inspire me.

And get the naked drummer....


Click here to add Emily on myspace! and check out her blogs and posts for hints of what goes on in the next updates, exclusive photos of her and Hayden and be sure to check out her Roleplay Blog!