Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Our Lady Of Sorrows

I step out of my car to face the crisp January air. I had to wake early to set up for the guys. I always get excited to see them. They are always kind to me. I have always considered them the nicest people (and the funniest).

So I guess your wondering who I am right? Well my name is Amanda. But I prefer Mandy. I work as a crew member with My Chemical Romance. I put on their make up and set up their instruments and make everything ready for their preformances. I even help schedual their interviews sometimes.

I ruffle with my messy blonde hair as I walk up onto the stage. I started fixing and placing the instruments to their destined place, then I herd screaming and laughter. I knew the guys were coming in now.

I spun around and saw Frank on Bob's back, Ray on the floor with laughter, Mikey giving weird looks, and Gerard shouting random shit at them.

I giggled as I walked over. Mikey looked at me and sighed. He appeared tired I was about to speak before I was inturrupted.

"HI MANDY!" Frank and Gerard shouted in unison. I smiled and looked at them strangley.

"Alright who gave them skittles and coffee?" I said and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

Ray looked down guilty and Mikey punched his arm. He gasped and punched back.

"Your caught red handed Ray! Ow! Stop!" Mikey whined. Ray just laughed and kept punching his arm.

"No Mandy its not skittles its SKEETALS!" Frank screamed. It echoed in the empty stadium. He grinned evily and kept yelling random curses to hear it echo.

Bob was able to dump Frank and walk behind Mikey to hide. This entire time Gerard was taking big gulps of coffee.

"Uh guys...GUYS!" I had to scream for them to hear. Ray stopped punching Mikey who was holding onto his arm whimpering, Gerard froze in mid gulp, Frank grew quiet and Bob looked relieved for silence.

"Can you all let me know when your done getting ready and stuff? I have to go and finish up the stage and I'll do your make up in a little while ok?" I said calmly.

They nodded and smiled. I started walking away when I felt a strong grasp cling onto my sholder. I turned to see Frank.

"Wait." He said.

"Err yeah?"

"Why don't you hang with us for a bit? It gets boring after a while. And I've known you since our tour started, so I know your not a rapist." He giggled. I laughed too.

"The only thing is that I just have to fix up the stage and then do other things Frank. I will be pretty busy. I'm sorry. Maybe Later." I replied. He blushed, he seemed to forget that I was apart of the stage crew.

"Erm okay, sure..." And he walked away. I smiled to myself. And in my head, I had a fangirl moment (childish I know), I couldn't believe that Frank Iero wanted to hang out with me. ME! Of all people! Oh wow, I've met him many times before and never freaked. Why now?

I finished up on the stage and headed backstage to finish up all I really had to do. Which was help with sound check and set up drinks for the boys.But the best part about my job is hearing my favorite band play live! And I always have fun!

Soon, Gerard walked up in his parade uniform and said that everyone was ready. I walked with him back to the dressing room.

"Alrighty whos first?" I asked, looking around. I saw Gerard raise his hand and jump up and down. I giggled and nodded.

"Yay!" He said and sat down.

I was finished with everyone but Frank who would avoid me form putting on the makeup. This was a common routine. Frank didn't like me putting make up on him. This was only because he much rather eat his skittles..I mean skeetals, than get make up.

I finaly dragged him to the chair with him wining behind. I was able to put on most of the make up, but when I went to the eyeliner, Frank took matters into his own hands.

He grabbed the stick of red eyeliner and put it on himself and he dashed to get more skeetals. I just shook my head and walked away. Sometimes I wonder about him.
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This is the first chapter of my second story everrr! I know its not that good but more is to come.

comments are nice... =]