Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Headfirst For Halos

~*~ Two Days Later ~*~

I was sitting in my apartment blasting Avenged Sevenfold in my ears. Suddenly Unholy Connfessions came on and I couldn't resist!

I was singing and bobbing my head to the beat of The Rev playing the drums. They were my third favoirte band ever.

My phone rang and I quickly turned off my I-pod and grabbed it.


"Well hello there beautiful!" I knew who it was and I smiled to myself.

"Hey Frank! Whats up?"

"Uhm...Mikey knows." He sighed.

"Yeah about that. I was going to talk to you about it. He talked to me about it the other day. He thinks we should tell the guys. But I personaly think we should wait. Its up to you."

"I agree with you." I herd voices in the background and Frank groaned.

"Is everyone there?"

"Yeah, they just came in. I'll call you back later okay?"

"Alright Frankie. Good Bye!"

"Bye bye Mandy." Then I herd someone in the background scream my name. I herd an 'Oh Fuck' from Frank and I was biting my lip to prevent myself from laughing.

"MANDY!!" I herd a hyper Gerard on the otherside of the line.

"Hey there Gee. Whats up?"

"Nothing! Wanna hang out!?" Man I really think he needs a constraint.

"Ha, uhm....I dunno. What do you want to do?"

"Can we go over your house?!"

I froze. My apartment was run down and a mess. It would be humiliating if they saw it.

"Uh..uh..uh...No. How about the movies since its like crappy outside." I looked out the window to see rain pouring from the sky. And a distant thunder made me shudder. It was freezing!


Now that hurt my ear.


I herd a few okays and one excited sure from what I asumed was from Frank. I giggled.

"Can I talk to someone who won't hurt my ear?" I ask while looking through my closet for something to wear.

"Whyyyy? Ugh! Fine then!" Gerard replied then I herd some shuffling.

"Hey Mandy, maybe we could see something like...Oh!! Sweeny Todd!" I herd Bob say.

"Sounds good. I'll see you guys at noon. We can meet up at the theater."

"Alright then, Bye!!"

"Bye Bobbart!"

I was the only one aloud to call him that. It made me feel special.

I laughed to myself and got dressed into a Misfits T-shirt, my grey hoodie that said A7x on the back in big black letters, and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I put on some blue eyeliner and mascera. I left my hair alone and slipped on my red converse.

I saw the time was 12:14, so I rushed out of the apartment and into my red Jeep Grand Cheeroke that used to be my dad's.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blahh im tired. but hey im starting to get more and more ideas for this story. Also there were only like three people who asked to be in my story. So this is your last chance before I choose between them.

Btw...i still dont have too many comments *cough hint hint cough*
Lawl! xD

ttyl ;]