Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Skylines And Turnstiles

I drove up quickly to the theater. I just saw Ray's fro as I approched the door. I smiled to myself and walked up to him.

Nobody noticed me so I quickly jumped on Ray's back and shreiked in his ear.

He started running about. I was laughing so hard I almost fell off of him. I tightened my grip on his shirt. People were staring at me but I didn't care.

I saw that Gerard, Mikey, Frank, and Bob rolling with laughter on the floor.

Soon Ray stopped running and basicly threw me on the hard, dirty, and sticky ground.

'Ooof!' I playfully glared at Ray and walked over to the guys. Gerard was holding his stomach...probrably from laughing too much.

Mikey's face was bright red. Bob was still giggling to himself. And Frank was biting his lip to stop laughing. Ray looked quiet annoyed so I know I did my job right!

"Oh come on! You have to admit! That was fun!" I poked him in the chest and laughed.

"Uhm...Let me think....NO!"

I pouted and sniffed, pretending to be offended. Mikey kept poking Ray hard in the arm. I guess its revenge for getting punched.

Frank patted my sholder and laughed.

"Look watchya did!"

"Oh really?" Ray raised an eyebrow and smacked Mikey's hand away.

"Yes really! My feelings are crushed! Your know how to destroy hopes and dreams!" I winned.

"Thank you! How did you know this? Well since you are realizing this, my job here is done!" He smiled and we started to walk to the ticket stand.

We ordered six tickets to Sweeny Todd. Everyone walked into the room and decided to sit in the middle.

Bob sat on the end, then Ray, next to Ray was Gerard, Mikey, Frank and me. Nobody noticed when Frank slipped his fingers between mine.

We kept them low so it was basicly unnoticable. I smiled to myself.

About halfway through the movie, Mikey had to use the bathroom and everyone but Frank and I left. Mikey looked back at the last second, smirked and winked at Frank. I was confused but soon caught on.

Frank turned back to me and smiled.

"Now we can have some time to ourselves. And I can finally have my girlfriend all to myself...well at least for a little while."

He grinned but noticed the concerned look on my face.

"Don't worry hun, Mikey is going to distract the guys and make them stay out as long as he can. Hes going to text me when they are coming."

My face went to and 'Oh' expression. I soon smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly...almost protectively.

I moved my head to the crook of his neck. He was so warm and he smelt like a mix of Axe and cigarets. It might sound weird but its intoxicating, I love it!

He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

I moved my neck up so I was eye level. I kissed him gently at first, but deepend it when he wrapped his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck.

I herd a gasp behind me. I quickly shot my head to the direction it came from.

I saw Mikey...with Bob's hand over his mouth, and Ray with Mikey's cell in his hands. Gerards face was angered and shocked.

Oh Shit!
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bwhahaha i love this chapter!