Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Heaven Help Us

~*~ Franks POV~*~

"Ok hun. I'll be there in a few minutes. .......I love you....."
Oh shit! why did I say that! She might be uncomfortable. But I bet she feels the same....At least I hope so.

"I-I-I-I--.............BYE!" She then hung up on me.

What the hell? She doesn't care. I knew it!

Ok ok Frankie. Your just overreacting. Shes having a bad day.

But why the fuck did she scream at me? She has been so distant latley. I really don't get her.

I took a walk. But I kept walking past the point that I was suppose to turn at. I walked passed all the stores. All the ally ways. Buildings, the entire town.

I have no idea where I am. And I don't care. I have so much on my mind, I just don't know what to think with this.


One week later. And I haven't herd or seen of Mandy.

I only talked to her once and I apologized. I was an idiot to not think of her while I was taking my walk. I should have thought of how she would feel.

Gerard actually called me last night telling me she told him off. That hes very scared for her.

We all were. She hasn't come out and who knows what should could have done.

Oh God. I hope she...she wouldn't...would she?

If she hurt herself this would kill my heart. I wouldn't be able to handel it very well.

She better come out soon.
I need her. Everyone needs her.
♠ ♠ ♠
short but a filler =]