Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Hang Em' High

"I did want you guys together..It would make Frank so happy. He liked you for awhile....And so did I."

Holy shitty crap fuckity fuck arse holes! What in the world did he just say?!

My jaw dropped. I moved my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I wanted to scream. But all that came out was a very weak 'Oh' face.

"C-c-could y-you repeat that?" I barley rasped out.

"Uhm..yeah I guess. I did want you guys together I like seeing Frank happy."

Was it my imagination or did he say he liked me? Or was he trying to leave it out.

"N-no. What you said after that.."

"Erm..that he liked you for awhile..."

Tension was all around me.

"No Gerard..what did you say after that, don't fuck with me." I said sternly.

"Fine. I have liked you for awhile just like Frank. Actually since we first hired you. Frank and I both did. And when you guys went on your date..I didn't expect such a quick realtionship ok!"

I had no idea this happend. Why am I so oblivious to crap like this?

"Oh..Uh." I had to think of something to get away from him. I didn't want him to hate me, but I hate akward conversations!

"I gotta pee!" I pretended to dance. He laughed and nodded. I quickly ran through the living room towards the bathroom.

While I was running, Frank gave me a worried look, I nodded my head in my direction and he nodded.

I ran in and slamed the door shut. I slid on the floor and took deep breaths. If only I knew. I could have stopped Gerard from getting so pissed!

I herd a faint knock on the door.

"Mandy..Whats wrong?" I couldn't tell who it was threw the door. I looked under to see Mikey's converse.

I opened the door slowly and let him in. He sat opposite of me.

"Nothing Mikey I will be alright." I assured him. He didn't take it as an answer.

"Nonesense. What did Gee say to you?"

"H-he told me h-he liked me for as long as Frank that he didn't want us together so quickly."

"He shouldn't have done that. I say that you should talk to Frank. And then try to resolve things a bit with Gerard. He'll understand."

"You don't get it Mikey. He said he liked me since I started working for you guys. He had liked me for as long as Frank. I started working for you guys like...three years ago!?"

"I see what you mean... Alright well I still think you should talk to Frank. I'm always here for you. You know that right? Your like my sister, I don't want anything to happen."

I felt a sheet of guilt swoop over me.

"Thank you Mikey." He took my hand and sqeezed it to comfort me. I quickly took my hand away remembering my little..problem.

He noticed my odd movements and he grabed my arm. I winced. I felt his grip loosen but he turned over my arm.

Before I could respond to this, he quickly pulled up my sleeve to reveal my new cuts.

Mikey's eyes grew the size of saucers and he looked up at me disapointment and worry shown in his eyes.

Mikey embraced me and he stayed that way for a good few minutes. I started crying in his sholder.

"I didn't mean to Mikey! I didn't want to I just couldn't think of anything."

"Don't you ever scare me like that! Don't do it again. Promise me."

"I WON'T!" I wailed and cried harder. I think I even herd a sniff from him as well.

I won't. I won't ever again.

But what do I say to Frankie?