Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Give em hell kid

It was almost time for everyone to go on stage to preform. Gerard was laying down on the stretcher to begin the preformance. I pushed him onto the stage where I herd the roars of screaming. I smiled at Gerard who looked pumped!

I walked off and sat on a chair backstage. It was a perfect view of their show. I suddenly herd Gerards voice echo throughout my ears. I sighed in relief.

I started mummbling the words to myself as I saw Mikey concentrating hard on his bass, Gerard jumping up and down, Frank running around the stage, Ray head banging, and Bob going nuts on the drums.

After a while, I started hearing the last few words of Helena.

'So long, And Goodnight!'

I smiled as they all walked off the stage. I hope they weren't too tired to hang out still. Frank still looked hyper as usual. So at least I could hang out with him.

"Gosh I'm pooped out!"Gerard said, while sitting down in the chair accros from mine. Bob giggled and we all looked at him strangely.

"He said pooped..." He said, still giggling. Gerard rolled his eyes along with most of the band. I giggled a little too.

"Hey would you like to come back with us and watch a movie or something?" Frank asked while putting down his guitar with P A N S Y written on it.

I looked at the guys hoping they wouldn't mind. They all nodded and before I could even answer Frank, Gerard stood up and grabed his arm.

"Frank could I ask you something?" It was more of a statement then a question. Frank nodded slightly and looked at us with an eyebrow raised.

Gerard brought Frank into the changing room, which was close by. Unfortunetly, they didn't realize that we would hear them quiet clearly.

"Frank." We herd Gerard say.

"Gerard." He mimicked

"How come you suddenly want Mandy to watch a movie with us. And don't say I don't know because I saw you glancing at her throughout the show!"

There was a long silence. I was on the edge of my seat. Not sure if I wanted to hear them anymore.

"Well she seems I figure, hey why not hang out?!" It sounded like a question just to get Gerard to end the conversation. He apparently didn't buy it.

"If you like her, tell me, I'm always here for you Frankie and you know it."

"Yeah shes hott and all. And thats why I want to hang out with her. To get to know her a bit more..."

I froze, my eyes wide. He thought I was HOTT! I thought I was going to pass out. I blushed and stood up. Everyone had either smirks or smiles on their faces.

I decided now, was the time to leave. I'm not chicken or anything, but I tend to embarass myself alot when I'm tensed up like this.

"Uhm, guys I think I should go."I said, just as Gerard and Frank walked out. He looked upset.

"What? Why?"He asked, kind of begging for me to stay.

"Ermm...uhh...I dunno...I thought that maybe you and Gee were fighting or something and I didn't want to get involved." I lied.

"LIAR! SHE HERD WHAT YOU GUYS WERE SAYING FRANKIE!" Mikey shouted in a sing song voice. I smacked my head and I gave Mikey the death glare. He didn't notice though.

I saw Franks face turn pink. His eyes grew huge and he looked at me. He appeared that he was about to say something. But his mouth moved with no words coming out.

"I...I-I think I should go now..." I studdered and my face turned pink as well.

I herd Frank sigh and a few mummbles behind me.

I suddenly found myself in my bed, with my cell vibrating next to me.

"Hello?" I said, goggily. I checked the time. It was only 10:00 am.

"Mandy?" Said a familiar voice.

"LynZ!" I shouted into the phone. I haven't seen her for about six months now. She was my bestest friend ever! But since I started touring with My Chem. as their stage crew, we haven't talked to eachother much.

"Hey Mandy, how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you since ever!" She said cheery.

"Ha! I'm just fine! How's your band going?" She was in a band called Mindless Self Indulgence. They were pretty good and they were preforming for alot of clubs when I last saw them.

"Oh yes! I forgot to tell you! We got a record deal!"

"Oh my gosh! Thats awesome LynZ! Congrats. I'll be sure to try to visit soon."

"That'd be cool beanz" She said laughing.

"Alright well I have to start getting ready for work. I hope we can talk again soon!"

"I'll be sure of that! Maybe I can visit when you guys are on break. But I understand how busy it could be...Ok so call you later Mandy!"

"Ok bye!"

"Bye bye!" I hung up and sighed. I really do miss her. I started to get up and get changed. I changed into my favorite Green Day hoodie, grey skinny jeans, and red chucks'. I stepped into the bathroom and swiped on some black eyeliner and purple eyeshadow with mascara.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some toast. I wonder if it will be too awkward to be around Frank. Ughh! I'm letting that get to my head. I should really stop being so over dramatic.

But I always have been dramatic when it came to guys. I could make friends with them easliy but when one liked me. I basicly freak out to make sure they stay liking me. I'm weird I know. But oh well!

I snatched my keys and my I-pod and jogged out the door.
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oh em gee! i just made this story today and i already have 2 subscribers and 16 readers!! i feel special! thank you all for reading!
but i still have no worries!