Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

House Of Wolves.

~*~ Later On that night @ Mandy's house~*~

Frank was over my house and we were about to watch a movie.

My house phone started to ring while I was making myself a quick snack. This made me jump and drop popcorn all over the floor.

"Oh fuck me!"

"Is that a threat of a promise?" I herd Frank from the other room.

"Your a sick man Iero!" I herd him giggle as I answered the phone.

"Ello?" I herd crieing on the other end.

"Hello?! Whos this? whats wrong?!" I didn't have caller I.D so when I had no responce I grew frantic.I saw Frank lean over the couch to see whats going on.

I herd more sobbing.


"M-m-Mandy!?" It was ..Mikey?

"Mikey whats wrong!? Tell me whats happening!" I demanded. My voice was squeaking.

" JOANNE!" And more sobs came accros the phone. My eyes grew wide.

After the entire Frank thing we had talked for awhile and we grew close. She comforted me. Shes a really good listener. We were talking about alot of our problems and I grew to trust her easily.

"W-what about her?" I tried to calm down because I was getting worked up with the crying and yelling.

"S-s-she got hit by a fuckin car! A FUCKING CAR! It was a hit and run. I saw it all Mandy. I'm so scared. I'm in the hospital right now. And I didn't know who to call. What do I do Mandy!? I'm so scared."

He was expecting my response. But I couldn't talk. I had that lump in my throat again. But it seemed worse than before. I started to cry. I colasped to the floor crying still.

I herd Mikey's frantic cries on the phone seeing if I was okay.

It appeared that Frank had herd what Mikey had said on the phone. Well..he was shouting..

He picked up the phone and told Mikey that we will be there soon.

Frank then grabbed my coat and his. And he practicly dragged me to the car. I could have sworn I saw his eyes glazed with tears.

He drove so quickly, I was gripping onto the seat for dear life.

Damn did he pass drivers ed.?

We pulled up to the hospital within 5 minutes. I noticed a crunched over figure outside.

I literaly jumpd out of the car to see who it was. I think its Mikey. And indeed it was.

He took one look at me and punced me into a hug. He was hysterical, as was I.

"M-Mandy?" He asked in one of his sobs.


"I never had a chance to t-tell her."

"Tell her what Mikes'" I said rubbing his back comfortingly.

"I-I like her. And I was going to ask her out tonight.."

Ohhh shitt!