Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Astro Zombies

Mikey had finaly finished talking to the woman at the main desk. He looked uneasy and tired.

"Mikey..I know you may not want to. And how hard this may be...But you must tell me everything that had happend from biggining to end every detail." I sighed.

He looked up from the floor that he was staring at intensly. His eyes shimmered showing that more tears were threatining to fall. He shook his head violently. I stood up and pulled him into another death grip of a hug.

"I I I-I guess I should..." I nodded camly as we sat back down. I rubbed circles in his back. He was breathing deeply. Frank came back in and sat opposite side of Mikey and did the same.

"Okay." He took a huge breath.

"So after we left Frank's house. I dropped off Gee and Joanne called me asking if I could come over. I agreed and drove to her house. After we hung out for awhile and ate, we went for a walk outside. We were laughing and joking. There were no cars in site. Joanne suggested playing truth or dare. I dared to to sing and dance. She had gotten carried away and went into the middle of the street. T-then...."

He broke down again. Me and Frank put him into another hug. He started to hyperventlate. We encouraged him and soothed him.
With another deep breath he started again.

"Then...a w-wh-white car came zooming down the street. I couldn't tell what type of car it was because it was going so fast. I screamed out Joanne's name. I screamed so loud. She spun around to only see the headlights. Then was too late for her to move. I car didn't even stop..didn't even stop."

I started to cry silently again and Frank was rocking Mikey back and forth.

Everyone walked inside awhile later. All except Bob and Ray. Frank had told me they didn't pick up. He didn't leave a message though.

Everybody was either crying or trying to comfort one another.

~*~Mean While~*~

Bob and Ray were just getting home from a local bar. Ray noticed a missed call on his cell but ignored it. Both Bob and Ray passed out from all the alcohol consumed by the time they sat down.