Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Kill All Your Friends

~Normal P.O.V~

I sighed as my gaze lifted from the floor. I stood up and trotted over to the elevator. As soon as I press 1st level, I felt a vibration in my left pocket. I knew it was my cell so I headed out of the hospital to a local bench.

I fliped my phone over and say it was a text from Lyn Z.

hey hun, i wanted to let you know i herd about your friend and im really sorry to hear that. If you want, my band and i are near your town recording for our new cd. I could visit if you want?
text me back

fuck sincerely, lyn z ;D

I smiled to myself a little knowing I can always count on Lyn Z to cheer me up. I quickly texted her back thanking her and saying she could come.

I usually don't..but I really need a smoke. It can relieve stress I believe. So I stole some from Frank's pocket. I lit it quickly and took a drag. The stress free feeling was coming back, I sighed and leaned back on the bench.

No sooner than I texted, I saw a large SUV pull into the parking lot. I put out my smoke quickly and stood up to see Lyn Z running over to me. She pulled me into a hug that would kill you.

"Hey Lyn." I barely spoke in a whisper, all the crying as caused my voice to be raspy.She loosend her grip and pulled me to face her.

She looked me up and down and gave me another hug.

"I'm sorry hun. She'll be okay." She rambled on about Joanne. After we had a quick chat we headed back to the hospital entrance. Once we got into the elevator I saw someone whos the cause of the drama.

I tried to be polite for Lyn Z's sake. She shouldn't have to suffer from him.

"Hello Gerard, this is my good friend Lyn Z, shes visiting and supporting Joanne." I spoke softly with a crack of a smile.

He mumbled a hello and I rolled my eyes. Lyn Z seemed to understand that I didn't like him much. She gave him a glare which he ignored.

We got off the elevator and made our way back into the waiting room. I claimed my spot next to Mikey and Frank as Lyn Z sat across. We made our introductions and within an hour, a doctor walked into the room.

"Is anyone here for Ms.Joanne?" He asked quietly which worried me a bit. Mikey...Now Mikey ran to him faster than a Olympic track star. Bless his lungs to deal with that boy.

"We are!"He croaked breathlessly.

Everyone started to gather around the doctor to see what he had to say. But I couldn't help but wonder where the hell Ray and Bob were.

What can be som important to not see our calls and texts about their hurt friend?

~Back at Ray's house~

Bob was shaking and trying to keep his composure while Ray was oddly calm. Which scared and worried Bob.

"Listen Bob. We can't tell anyone about what happend." Ray said coldly.

Bob looked at Ray with a 'What are you fuckin insane!?' look.

Ray spoke with gritted teeth. " You will not tell a soul what happend or someone will pay. It won't be me Bryar! "

Bob was barely capable to nod but managed to do so. His only thought was I won't. No one. I want to live me life. I'm a bit to young to die...right!?
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I still need a banner. Really bad. you guys can use a different picture if you want. please *begs* >.<