Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love


As I joined my friends I could cut the tension within us all with a knife.

Mikey imediatly started pounding the doctor with questions. I wigled out of my grasp from Frank and gave him a one armed hug and told him to calm down and be quiet so we can hear the news.

"Well first things first, Joanne will live so take a deep breath everyone the operation was a sucsess." The doctor spoke with a soft reasuring smile.

I felt abut fifty pounds leave my sholders. I think Mikey felt the same since he was crying tears of joy.

"But. She is very, very, very weak. Shes barely awake. She requested to see someone before visiting hours end. And mind you she does need her rest. Which one of you is..." He trailed off and looked down at his clipbord.

" Mikey Way? " He announced looking at all of us. Thats when I never saw Mikey more happy in his life.

I mean this by he was already running around the room hugging strangers shouting 'Shes alive!! I love her! Shes alive!'

It was funny but I felt sympathetic. Poor Mikey. Hes been through so much. I walk over to him and tell him that nows the time to tell her.

He nodded quickly then realization came across his features and his smile was fadding slowly.

I knew what he was thinking. He will not back out now!

I started shaking him telling him it must be down now or never. And that never was the worst choice.

~Mikey's P.O.V~

I took a shaky breath as I entered her room. As soon as I saw her a new wave a tears over whelmed me.

She was attatch to machines and looked brutal. So many cuts, bruises, and what appeared to be stitches.

Yet through it all, to me, she still looked beutiful. Even in her wose hour. I now know that Joanne is deffinitly the one.

Her eyes skimmed the room until they landed on me. She still put on a smile. My breath hitched in my throat.

Here goes nothing.

"H-hey Joanne." I tried my best not to sound shaky.

"Mikey I thought I would never see you again. I need to tell you somthing about--" I interupted her once I saw her tears fall.

Now Mikey now! My thoughts screamed.

"No Joanne I have to go out and say this fist." It came out loud. She was taken back for a moment and nodded anyway.

"Joanne this may sound so cheesy but I can care less. I was actually going to tell you this before...before." Her eye widend but insted she blurted out;

"I fuckin love you Mikey!" WIth that I kissed her.

It was one of the best kisses of my entire life. I'll never let her go. I will consider her mine from now on. I love her.
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awww xD and thank you to the few who commented. and THANK YOU to the ones who STAYED subscribed to be all this time. Im terribly sorry. But i need to ask an honest question. Should this story have a sequal? i have an idea how to do it, but im not sure if i should