Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love


I jumped into my car and drove down to Starbucks. I had a part time job there on weekends.
I grab my green apron and throw it on, just as I herd a 'Ding' of the bell on the door.

"Hey, can I take your order?"I asked, not looking up from getting my notepad ready.

"You sure can!" I herd from a man's voice. I looked up to see that it was Bob.

"Oh, hello Bob! Why did you make your voice deeper..?" I gave him a questioning look and laughed.

"I dunno. I thought I could trick you!" He giggled

"Haha, alrighty then, what would you like?"

"Can I have 4 double chocolate frappachinos and one vinella bean frappachino!"

"Okay. Why frappachinos? Why not coffee?"

"We all wanted to try something besides coffeee. Except Mikey, we made him get one."

I laughed and started to make the drinks.

"Hey, do you want to hang out? Frank told me to ask you if I saw you at all. He WILL NOT stop talking about how he wants to hang out!"

"Oh really?" I said smirking.

"Fuck I shouldn't have told you that..." He grew red and covered his mouth.

"...Uh...I'll pretend I didn't hear it ok." I suddenly grew tense as I remembered Gerard and Frank's conversaition from the night before.

Maybe if I do hang out with them, he will just grow to like me as a good friend. Not that I don't like him or anything.

"Oh thanks." He replied while picking up the tray of frappachinos. He started walking away sadly, he must have thought I wouldn't come.

"If you think I'm not coming, your surely mistaken Mr.Bryar!" I said laughing and jumping over the counter. His eyes lit up with excitment.

I told my boss I was leaving. She didn't care because I rarely came to work anyway.

I walked outside to see a huge tour bus parked across the street in a deserted parking lot. I gaped at it as Bob walked casually onto it. I stepped inside to see everyone playing guitar hero.

It was Gerard vs. Mikey. You could only guess whos wining right?

Bob's eyes grew wide.

"I wanna verse Ray next!" He announced. Ray sighed unwillingly.

"Oh hey Mandy!" Ray waved. I did the same and just observed their bus.

"Uh Oh!" Was herd from the other side of the bus

. I saw smoke and saw a pan on fire. Frank was jumping up and down pointing at it.

"What do I do!? What do I do!?" He yelled.

Gerard and Mikey just laughed til they were crying. Ray just rolled his eyes. Bob was staring at him, mouth wide open.

I grabbed a fire estinguisher and was able to get out the fire.

"Wow a master chef. ay?" I said smirking a little.

"It was.. a new recipie?" He replied grinning.

We both walked back into the room that Bob and Ray were now playing in.
Mikey was cheering for Bob, Gerard was cheering for Ray. Frank was cheering for Ray, as I was for Bob too.

Bob won and Mikey,Bob, and I jumped around the bus dancing. It was the most fun I've had in awhile. And I loved every seonde of it.