Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living

After the fierce battles of Gh3, eating skittles and gummy bears til we could puke, danced and listened to almost every song possible, and watched a million horror movies.Everyone was officaialy bored.

"What should we do?" Asked Mikey looking at everyone. We were all spread out around the room in random places.

"We could play a game."Gerard suggested. There was many nods around the room.

"Ok, what did you have in mind?" Ray asked.

"I know! How about truth or dare!" Bob asked excited. He was the only one who could still eat his gummy bears.

"Fine with me."I said. I was concentrating on my shoelace.

"Cool! Can I go first? Please Bob! Please!!!" Frank begged. He was on his knees in front of Bob, his hands in a praying position.

"Dude you can go first just shut up!" Ray said annoyed. Gerard, Mikey and I were laughing silently.

"Shweet! Okay...MIKEY!" Frank shouted. And slapped Mikey on the arm. He jumped when Frank yelled his name.

"Why does everyone have to hurt me?" Mikey asked while rubbing his arm. "I guess truth."

"Pussy.."Gerard mummbled. I was the only one who herd and I giggled.

Bob gave us a strange look and both me and Gerard burst out laughing. I didn't know why I was laughing, probrably because I'm still a little bit hyper.

I saw Frank give Gerard a death glare. I ignored it and smiled.

"Erm..ok is it true that you always miss a high five when we are doing the line of highfive thing?" He asked.

"Yeah..ha its a weird habit." Mikey replied looking down blushing. But yet smiling. His head shot up again, only to give me an evil smile.

"Uh oh..." I said giving terrified looks to all the guys. Everyone laughed.

"Dude you do know that Mikes' gives the worst and most evily plotted truth or dares right?" Ray said in between laughter. My eyes grew wide and I shook my head violently.

"Alright Mandy, truth or dare?" Mikey said, smirking.


"Muahah! Sorry. Ok I dare you to have seven minutes in heaven with..."

The room became suddenly quiet and I stared wide eyed at Mikey. Gasping in horror. Everyone else looked a bit awkward. Except Gerard, he was smiling from ear to ear.

Bob and Ray seemed to catch on and they did the same. I was being oblivious to what they were thinking. Mikey was smirking again. His eyes flashed with excitment.

"FRANK!" He announced. My jaw dropped. I glanced over at Frank whos face was pink. He was staring at Mikey in shock, as was I. Both of our eyes were bulging out of our heads.

Everyone was smiling now and watched us stand up.

Ok, so I did like Frank but I couldn't say I liked him too much because we didn't talk much about our personalities.

As I got on my feet, Gerard grabbed my hands and threw me into a bunk. Bob had done the same to Frank.

We hit heads and yelped in pain.

I don't know what to do. I was scared, nervous, mad(at MIkey), worried...alot of emotions ok!!
I never really made out with a guy or anything before. Yeah a kiss, but nothing with tounges.

And I don't want things to be awkward if Frank doesn't like me, or I don't want to kiss him. Or the other way around. CRAP! I'm being over dramatic again.

I looked around the bunk. Frank was looking at his shoes.

"Mandy?" He said suddenly.

"Uh, yeah?"

"I need to tell you something, and please don't freak out if I say this."

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." He started.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh! cliff hanger! Haha xD

comments = another chapter! ;D