Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

Demolition Lovers

~*~ Frank~*~

I was holding my breath the whole walk. I know it was soon. But she is amazing. We have so much in common, almost like we were made for eachother.

I hope that my decision wouldn't ruin our friendship if she said no, or ruin the tour if she said yes.

I took another deep breath and soon blurted out the words that could change our friendship.

"Will you be my ...girlfriend Mandy?" I was shaking.

"Of coarse I will Frank." She said and smiled. I love when she smiles, it brightens up my moods.

"REALLY!" I screeched. A bit too loud. But I made up for it with a bone crushing hug.

"F-Frank, l-lack...of....o-oxygen!!" She choked out.

"Your mine!" I grinned. I let go of her and stood patiently while she gasped for breath.

"Yeah, and YOUR now mine too! I'm happy you asked me. I didn't know how to do it myself.

"Your welcome?" I giggled, making her smile grow larger. But soon faded as we approched our tour bus.

I haden't realized our dilema until I saw her upset look. She was 17, and I was 27. I don't know how the guys would take that I'm dating a crew member. That she was under the legal age.

"We can't tell them can we?" She asked, it took me by surprise but nodded my head.

"I'm so sorry Mandy." I felt guilt wash over me. It can be a big problem, and what if the guys don't approve of her and I.

"Don't be sorry. We will make it through this. But I had only just turned 17. We can do this Frankie, we shall be fine." She comforted.

"Your right. I will tell them when the time is right."

She looked grateful and hugged me tightly. I opened the door and stode inside like nothing was happening and nothing is going on.

Meanwhile, I was about to burst from the seams. I really want to tell everyone about Mandy and I.

But how?
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ughh i havent updated for a few days. sorry about that! i was thinking hard about this chapter and its shortness. I need a bit of ideas but they will come.