Sequel: Some Kinda Hate

Some Kinda Love

I'm Not Okay

(Back to normal point of view.)

As I took the step up to the bus, I herd chattering and laughter.

How will I tell everyone? I mean, theres a small age difference. But how bad could it really be if we tell the rest of the guys. All I'm worried about is their reaction.

And I think thats whats bothering Frank too.

"Oh hey guys! Where have you been?" Bob asked while sitting up in his chair. I blushed slightly. Turning to Frank for an answer.

"I was showing her around and I needed to ask her a few questions about our upcoming interview." He replied smoothly.

A for achievement Frankie!!

"Alright. Yeah so when is our next interview anyway?" Mikey asked while folding his arms. He looked at us suspiciously raising an eyebrow.

He can be too smart sometimes.

"Next monday. Its Steven's Untitled Rock Show." I replied.

"Great. Ha, that dude is funny. When we first met, I had him get his makeup done. The black bar accros his eyes and white makeup. We even gave him an MCR patch." Gerard said, not looking up from guitar hero.

"Yeah!! I remember him!" Frank said, sitting down.

I was still standing, unaware that Mikey was staring at me. I finally noticed and raised an eyebrow. He nodded his head towards the door. I got the hint and walked out.

Soon he was outside with me. Mikey was looking at the sidewalk then turned to me suddenly.

"I know whats going on between you two. Don't lie cause I know all." Mikey smirked and continued. I knew he was talking about me and Frank the second he started speaking.

"I just don't want him to break your heart, understand. And if your scared of everyone's opoinions...don't. They will understand."

My jaw was left hung open after his first statement.

"Uh...uh...uhh..." Was all I could say. But I just made a quick nod to show him he was right.

"I don't think he would hurt me Mikey. And I love that your looking out for me. Thank you. I hope your right.."

"I know I'm right. I think I know how you feel about this...well sorta. But I'm sure they will understand, and I see you giving it time." He replied and turned on his heel and walked back onto the bus.

I hope hes right about this. I'm trusting him with alot of things, some he may not understand or know.

I have to talk to Frankie.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok as you can see, my chapters are getting small. So for now on, im going to make sure that ill update more sincethey are small.

comments= love

love = even more chapters,

oh!! and i need to have Mandy have another best friend. I have an idea for who it might be, but maybe you can ask and ill add you. We'd have to talk about your appearence and stuff!!

you never know, she/he might fall in love with someone ;D