Crazy Little Thing Called Love

More Than a Feeling

”That’s a wrap on Mary Austin!” Bryan Singer announces once Rami and I film our last scene together. The two of us hug each other before we are ambushed by Joe, Ben and Gwilym. “It’s the wrap for the day. You guys are free to go. Be back here bright and early Monday morning. Try not and die this weekend. I know it’s Dahlia’s last weekend in London but no deaths. Your actors not rockstars.” All of us laugh.

“I don’t know, Gwilym is Brian May’s clone.” I joke. “But don’t worry, I don’t plan on killing these boys. At least, not until the wrap of the movie.” The boys laugh as they one by one let go. “It’s my last night, let’s give London hell!”


“You know, you’re gonna have to dance with me before the night ends.” I tell Rami as I plop down next to him. My dry martini, spilling a little as I do so. Rami just laughs as he puts an arm around me, pulling him close to him.

“You know I don’t dance, darling.” He laughs, realizing he’s still talking like Freddie Mercury; something I’m going to miss

“Well you are going to have to.” I tell him. “I’m getting sick of dancing with Ben and Joe. Joe is getting handsy and don’t get me started on Ben’s brilliant dance moves.”

“And Gwilym?”

“He keeps rejecting me as well.” I reply. “I think he enjoys seeing me smacking Joe and he just loves laughing at Ben. But you? You are my best friend in this world. For the last four years you’ve put up with my shit so you can’t say no to me forever.”

“I don’t dance, Lia.” He chuckles. “But for you, I’ll make an exception.” He says this just as Fat Bottom Girls starts playing.

“Oh, so you only dance to Queen now?” I joke as I guide him to the dancefloor. “What is my 2000’s pop music isn’t good enough for you?”

“If I’m going to dance with the next big name in rock, I might as well dance to the biggest names in rock, my darling.” He smiles as his hands find themselves sitting on my hips.

“I’m gonna miss this.” I tell him as we start to dance.

“Miss what exactly?”

“Your Freddie confidence. “ I tell him. “You’ve always been confident and outgoing but it seemed calculated almost. But now? You’re…”

“Flamboyant?” Rami chuckles.

“No...I mean yes but you see so carefree now.” I explain. “Don’t ever give this up, please? I like this Rami. He seems comfortable in his skin.”

“You didn’t like me before?” He asks, causing me to stop dancing so I can look right into his eyes.

“The moment I met you on the set of Need for Speed I knew you were meant to be a part of my life.” I tell him. “I’ve liked you since the moment I laid eyes on you during our first table read. But now? I think I’ve fallen in love with this Rami.” Rami looks at me, confused and shocked. “You don’t have to say anything. This confession of love could just be remnants of Mary Austin or the alcohol talking. But I’ve always loved being around you. This time, it just feels different. And not in the bad way either.”

“You just had to say something like this on the last night you’re in London, didn’t you?” Rami scoffs. “What am I supposed to say Dahlia?”

“Nothing.” I tell him. “I didn’t want to make anything awkward but you know me...Booze and my typically awkward self aren’t exactly bedfellows.”

“That’s an understatement.” He laughs. “I’m still unsure what you want me to say or do with what you just told me.”

“Dance with me, get drunk with me and let’s just forget this.” I tell him. “That’s all I’m asking.”

“You and I both know what happens when both of us get wasted.” He tells me. “And that won’t make what you just said disappear.”

“Let’s just enjoy my last night in London, please?” I beg. “We’ll deal with my confession of love when both of us are back home, okay? For now let’s drink and laugh at Ben and Joe.” I say the last part as I point to where Ben and Joe are having a dance off. “They may have had a little too much to drink tonight.”

“I’m gonna miss this.” Rami says, coping me from earlier. “I’m gonna miss you changing the subject to get away from talking about things.”

“Unless you’re gonna confess your undying love for me right here in the middle of the dancefloor, the talk can wait un---” Before I can finish the sentence, Rami’s lips crash onto mine. His hands, that remained on my lips, pull me close while my arms wrap themselves around his neck.

He pulls away and rests his forehead on my own. “You just had to do something like this on my last night in London, didn’t you?” Instead of replying to my question, Rami just kisses me once more. This time, he earns the attention of our costars. But we just ignore their chorus of “It’s about damn time!” and continue to remain in our own little world…
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For this being the first thing I've written in well over 4 months, I'm pretty proud of this.

A banner and layout will be coming out. I just really wanted to post this and apparently I have to reach myself the world of photoshop.

Comment&subscribe? Also want to be a character? You have been with whoever you want, your character just has to tie in with either Dahlia or Rami.