Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Wreak Havoc

...present time; two days before the World Premiere of Bohemian Rhapsody.

“I can’t believe you told the boys you might not be able to come.” My sister and personal assistant, Natalie, chuckles as we get ready for the upcoming whirlwind event. “So what did you tell them is stopping you from coming?”

“They know I just ended a nationwide tour with The Vixens and they know I’m currently working on an indie movie. So I told them it all depends on my shooting schedule if I can make it out.” I reply with a shrug. “They knew from the get-go that there will be cities where I won’t be able to do press junkets and shit like that.”

“Does at least Rami know you’re gonna be here?” She questions and I just keep quiet with a smirk growing on my lips. “Dahlia Tiffany, I can understand being mean to the boys, but not your boyfriend. Part of me wants to tell him.”

“They’re on this floor.” I tell her, earning a questioning look from me. “I had Sami ask Rami where he was staying and what floor. All the BoRhap boys are on this floor.”

“You are evil.” She states, shaking her head. “How are you and Rami anyway? This hasn’t exactly been a normal start of a relationship. I think you guys have been apart more than you have been together.”

“We’re good. We have been Facetiming a crap ton and he’s flown out to see The Vixens when he had long breaks from filming or when they wrapped. We have been making the most of our time together. But you’re right, this isn’t exactly how either of us wanted to start a relationship.”

“So are you really going to stay in your hotel room for two days so you can surprise him?”

“Duh!” I chuckle. “I really want to surprise them at the premiere.”

“Couldn’t you just take a picture from the hotel room and send it to them in a text asking them to guess where you are?” She asks. “I know you guys have a group text. You’re going to go stir crazy just staying in your hotel room.”

“I hate when you’re right.” I mutter as I pull out my cell phone. “Come on, let’s go take a selfie on the balcony and tell the boys I made it. Ruin my surprise.”

“They’ll still be surprised, trust me.” She chuckles as we walk out onto the balcony.

Just as we’re about to take a selfie, we hear one of our neighbors opening their sliding glass door. Before we can react, a familiar British voice yells out “you bitch!” Natalie and I turn to the right and see Ben and Joe standing on the neighboring balcony.

“Surprise!” I yell as both of them jump over the small gap between balconies. Both of them pull me into a back breaking hug and Ben pulls Natalie into this as well.

“I thought you couldn’t make it out because of conflicting schedules.” Joe states as we pull apart. “You lying bitch.”

“This’ll be the last time I surprise you assholes.” I scoff.

“How did you know where we were staying?” Ben asks.

“Sami.” I reply. “He was down for me surprising his brother and co stars. He was extremely helpful in orchestrating this plan.”

“Rami doesn’t know you’re here?” Joe questions.

“To be fair I was going to take a selfie out here and send it in the group text that way all of you guys would find out relatively at the same time.” I tell them. “So no, he doesn’t know I’m here and neither goes Gwilym.”

“Let’s fix that!” Joe announces before pulling out his cellphone and handing it to Natalie. “Can you please take a picture of us?”

“Why am I being brought into this?” Natalie rolls her eyes as he takes his phone.

“You sadly are related to Dahlia, that’s why.” Ben laughs as both him and Joe get on either side of me. Both of them kissing my cheeks. Well Ben is kissing my cheek. Joe, on the other hand, is licking my cheek in typical Joe fashion.

Natalie takes the picture and Joe instantly snatches his phone away from her and in seconds, both my phone and Ben’s phone goes off. I open it up and read Joe’s text.

look who is a lying bitch! is followed by the picture of me, him and Ben. I smack his arm just as my phone goes off. I look and see a picture of me and Rami dressed as Mary and Freddie.

“Hey babe.” I sweetly answer the phone. “How are you?”

“What room?” He simply asks.

“Room 304.” I reply. “Right next door to your room, all of us are outside. I’m surprised you didn’t hear Ben’s big ass mouth calling me a bitch.”

“I figured that was just him yelling at Joe.” He admits as he appears outside on his balcony. He does the same thing Joe and Ben did and jumps onto my balcony. Once over, he pulls me into short kiss and a long hug.

“I wanted to surprise you.” I mutter into the crook of his neck. “These asssholes just had to ruin it.”

“Hey!” Both Ben and Joe yell.

I turn my head and narrow my eyes at them, “you called me a bitch so we’re even.”

“Do I want to know how you found out about where we’re staying?” Rami asks.

“Ancient Chinese secret.” I reply, shrugging. “I’ll never reveal my source.”


“I’ll never reveal my source.” I say once again, this time smirking. “Sami told you I planned on surprising you, didn’t he?”

“He said you were up to something but I didn’t think it would be this.” He chuckles. “I really thought you wouldn’t be able to make it. I know how crazy shooting schedules for indie movies can be.”

“They made an exception I guess.” I smile as nuzzle my head back into the crook of his neck. “So I did good?”

“You did amazing.” He says before squeezing me tight and kissing the top of my head.

“Let’s grab Gwilym and head out of here to celebrate before either of us barf!” Joe yells. “We are overdue for a night out. We need to give London absolute hell while we are in the same city.”

“Come on before the lovebirds say no.” Ben adds as him and Joe jump back over and head back inside.

“I don’t have to go do I?” Natalie asks, almost scared. “I don’t want to know what happens when all of you are in the same city.”

“Then you have no choice but to come.” I chuckle as I part from Rami. “Come on sis, what’s the worst that could happen?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought this would be weird to write but this has been the easiest thing I've ever written. The ideas are coming so naturally. Let's see how long this'll last.

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