Dragon Hearts

Dragon Hearts ch.1

A cold wind wafted in the breeze of the village the night wind off the sea, was cold too cold of hiccup he missed the days when he and toothless had played and romped though the thickets and trees

But toothless being away in the hidden world of dragons was a good thing, the world had proved to be un safe and un kind to the dragon kind.

It had been well over 24 years since Hiccup was forced to go to the new home where he and other vikings now lived, where he had proved himself to be their leader. And with three small children that task had become even more challenging to take on.

As the night winds picked up and he walked back to the village, he hummed a peaceful tune to himself as he walked.

Suddenly a scream broke through the air…..

Hiccup came rushing into the room Astrid was still in the throngs of her labor and it didn’t look like she was having a easy time with the birthing pains she was dealing with. This child would be their forth,and Hiccup was happy to see the long tidious pregnancy that had plagued Astrid for the nine months of this pregnancy.
“sshhhh my darling,sshhh it will be over soon” she graped a hold of Hiccup’s hand in a tight grasp.

The night seemed like it dragged on forever. But suddenly the wind all around the hut stopped. The soft cry of a baby could be heard.
“what a lovely little girl” the old woman taking care of the birthing said aloud in a ligth squeaky voice.

“Ohh but wait here, it looks as thought some else came along for ride too!, looks like you will have push again dear.”

“What you mean?”both answered quickly

“well what does it sound like I mean,the chiftess is having twins!”
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this a very new and not quite edited chapter one so I might need up editing and epanding.