Worlds Between Worlds

the traveling

The days living in Space proved that could be very long and tedious, and frankly, people on the pyramid just got plan forgetful. Well maybe they just plain spent too much time doing god knows what other things. The multiverse.
In fact, all of them lived on the giant space station but almost all of the citizens did not think about the fact that. One entire level was a psychiatric ward.

the very first level was a full-scale replica of the earth’s ocean system. And the only reason the citizens remembered this was due to the fact that kids went to this level on school trips.

“But maybe some of the reasons for why so many of us don’t remember things like this is because of those damned dimensional transfer machines.”

Phill Every mentioned aloud to himself. Ironically all the information we as a human being had tried to find out about your own universe, where put on the wayside while the traveling space colony. Went out into the wide vastness of our universe.

It had been 500 years since the space colony, traveled off to find information about our own universe. And nothing of vast interest had happened in the expanse of that time, but in the time within the space colony itself they had found out much more.

The discovery of wormholes after the sun exploded and morphed into a black hole that due to the immense gravitational rip it exposed made a wormhole appear.

Of course, the scientists wanted to experiment with sending probs right away, But were confused cause every time they sent a probe it never came back…

After much experimenting, this dimensional or multiivuniverse travel now had become a thing! In less then ten years it went form a science lab experiment to the most profitable thing everyone on the colony wanted.

Yes indeed the discovery of alternative dimensions had made things in the world better it served as a distraction of the main problem the space station and the space colony had set out to do in the first place.

And now the fact you could go anywhere in time, space or just have you had so much appeal people spent hall the time going to the muli bars as they were now being called then actually going home to see their family

Heck a lot of people had several families in several deminsions,what more could greedy human being want.