The Vampire King

One: The Carriage Ride

The view from the window of the carriage was magnificent as they traveled through the countryside. The fields were greener than Kain Lestrad recalled from his visit several years back, but he had been only six at the time. He couldn't recall much about the place save for the fact that the daughter of the family that owned these lands was to be his future wife. He didn't know how he felt about that; there was hardly anything to remember about the girl. What was her name again?

"Bernard," Kain said suddenly to the manservant that sat quietly in the carriage with him. "The girl who is to be my fiancée- what was her name again?" The look on Bernard's face was one of great dismay, but the manservant quickly wiped it from his face as soon as Kain's ruby gaze fell on him.

"Annabelle Marie duBois," Bernard said after clearing his throat. He hoped the information would be enough to satisfy Kain and remove the young prince's attention from his person.

Kain was silent a moment before he let out a long sigh. The name was quite pretty, he decided. He returned his attention to the view out the window, and felt the tension leave the air as Bernard relaxed again.

The number one thing Kain dreaded about being vampire nobility was his stunning ability to instill such a complete terror in those who served him without even giving cause for such a violent reaction. Kain's presence alone was enough to make those around him straighten their backs and perform their duties as best as they were capable. It may have had something to do with the combination of his piercing ruby eyes and wavy hair that was somehow blacker than black; the dark power that dwelled within him and his bloodline, the powerful position of King of all Vampires that his father held.

At the recollection of the abilities Kain had been taught to master from a young age, Kain brought his hand up close to his face and willed shadows from the Dark Realm to appear at his fingertips. The air around them turned icy, Bernard stiffened in his seat, and the horses that drew the carriage gave whinnies in protest to the sudden warning of danger they must have received. Kain closed his fist and the shadows dispersed.

"My apologies for the sudden show of my ability," Kain said quietly. "I had forgotten the terror it strikes in those around me."

"Of course," Bernard said simply with a bow of his head. There was no further conversation between the two.

The dirt road eventually gave way to cobblestone, a sign they were very close to the summer palace Annabelle currently resided in. Kain wondered if she was dreading the engagement as much as he was. They were only thirteen; there was no need to rush anything. He knew it was more of a political move to arrange their marriage, but he definitely wished he could shirk his duties and eventually find a woman of his choosing in the future. He had a long time to do so; vampires lived quite a long time. His own father was well over 4,000 years old.

Kain leaned his head out the window, receiving a scolding from Bernard upon doing so, but marveled anyway like that at the size of the castle and town before them. He leaned back into the carriage just as they passed through the open gate.

People working on fields and other such things gaped at him and the carriage. Kain watched them back with a stoic gaze. They were to all be his people one day. He felt unsure as to whether or not he wanted that responsibility; surely his father would live another 4,000 years and Kain would never have to rule.

The farmland and town were both quite large, and as they moved nearer and nearer to the castle the houses became more and more grand. From commoners to nobility, Kain thought.

There were already several emptied carriages with their drivers waiting nearby, Kain noted as they made their way through the gates that lead to the castle. His father had already arrived. Kain felt his skin and blood turn cold at the thought of his father being their; the decision for Kain to marry Annabelle was final.

"We're here, your highness," Bernard said. Kain only nodded in acknowledgement for having heard him.

While most everyone was terrified of Kain, he wasn't terrified of anyone but his father. The man was strict and harsh. Perhaps having seen much in his life had made the man that way, which made Kain dread his future position of power even more.

Bernard stepped out of the carriage before him, and made his way over to Kain's side with a step stool. Bernard opened the door, and bowed deeply as Kain stepped out of the carriage. Kain stared a long moment up at the castle, and then without moving his gaze from it placed his hand on Bernard's shoulder to signal that the man could stand.

"I am dreading today very much, if I can be quite honest with you," Kain said. "I don't mean to sound like a spoiled brat, and I'm sure Annabelle is quite lovely, but I do not wish to go through with this proposal. And yet I must for the sake of the future of our people."

Bernard bowed briefly again, unsure of how to respond to the young prince's confession. Kain sighed internally and began to lead the way. Bernard startled and bowed once more, hurrying to catch up with Kain's long stride.