Status: in the works is on Wattpad under user name Arie391


Chapter 1

(6 month earlier)

"Well I don't care." I yelled as I slammed the front door. I hate her. I the case worker just told Ma and Pa I have to go visit Zo. The fucking whore who gave birth to me then decided she didn't want me when I was 5 years old and left me with Ma and Pa, now 10 years later she wants to "get to know me". My maternal grandparents have to much hope in her. Sometimes Ma calls me her name on accident and laughs lightly saying how much I look like her.

"Mia come back inside we can talk about this." Ma was always so calm when it comes to Zo.

"NO! I want nothing to do with her. She's just doing this so you can't adopt me again!" Tears are welling up in my face.

Ma has been there since I was 6 years old and when I turned 8 and they asked me what I wanted for my birthday I asked to visit Zo. She showed up high to my visit and kept telling me how she was going to get me back. The center gives you an hour, she left after about 20 minutes. I never asked to see her again. When I turned 13 I asked Ma and Pa to adopt me. The court denied it since Zo begged for me back and gave empty promises.

I lived with her for 3 and half days. She was good for 3 days, but on day 4 she got drunk and high with Hewie one of her many boyfriends and caught the apartment on fire. When the police showed up Zo told them I was playing with matches and that I was just not a mindful child. She took me back to Ma and Pa.

"Mia we love you and a piece of paper does not make you any less of our daughter." Pa had come outside.

"I need air." I get up from the porch and leave.

"Mia." they both say in unison.

I turn, "I wont be gone long. I'm just going on a walk." They both give me a small smile and head back inside.

I didn't plan on walking to the park. I hadn't noticed I had walked so far.

"Damn! Mamcita!", a tattoo faced man jumps in front of me. I can smell the beer on him. I move to the left to keep walking, he moves with me.

"Yeah, baby lets dance." he sways his body moving closer to me. I turn around to walk away.

I smash against something hard and feel hands around my arms. When I look up to see who I bumped into to apologize its a guy who looks to be in his 20's.

*******************************Trevor's POV*******************************************

"Trev you going to take another hit?" Michel says trying to hand me the almost finished joint.

"Na, I'm cool. I'll be back Pacman wants me to go pick him up." I said, the weed was good I was high. I got up off the couch and decided to drive down to the park Michael's place is starting to bore me.

When I reach the park it 30 minute to sun down. Pacman is under the gazebo with Nate, Mason and Johnny.

"What up man!" Pacman slurs as he takes another chug of the beer in his hand.

I don't respond I fist bump him as I get up to the gazebo and Mason hands me a beer. I crack it open and take a swig of the cold drink. It hits the spot. I see a mom calling for her kids in the park that its time to go and watch three little kids start to cry. Oh the joy of innocence.

"Damn! look at her!" Nate says, I turn to see a teenage girl maybe 15 or 16 crossing the street she seems lost in her thoughts because usually people avoid this area around this time.

The guys are cat calling her to get her attention, she seems to not notice the closer she gets.

Pacman comes over to us and places his beer down, "Watch this." he states as he walk towards her.

I can't hear was he said to her but she looks at him as if she doesn't care and tries to walk past him. He cuts her off then starts dancing.

I hadn't noticed I started walking closer. Neither of them noticed either. She seems to have noticed where she was and tried to turn away but crashes into me I drop the beer in my hand to catch her she looks up at me and I have never see more beautiful brown eyes in my life.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry." she says as she tries to pull herself away. Pacman is looking at her up and down like she is meat and it irritates me more then I know it should.

"Pac, Nate lookes like he's going to finish off all your booze." its the only thing I know will make him turn away from her.

"What the fuck" he turns, "NATE you going to give me money if you finshed those." He started to walk away.

"You okay babe?" I ask as I look back at her. Her face changes to disgust at me and she pulls herself way from me hard.

"Ew. I am not your babe." She says. She looks down and realizes the beer I had spilled all down her leg. "Ugh! now I smell and he fucking called me babe."

"Are you talking to yourself?" I ask, I want to see her eyes again. I smile when she finally dose look up at me. She looks mad and I realize she's going to try to push me. I grab both her writs her skin is soft.

"LET GO!" she commands.

"Whats your name?" I ask not letting go. Knowing I should but then she will leave and I wont see her again.

"Noneya." She replies, I chuckle as she tries to pull herself free I let go of her and she stumbles almost falling backwords.

"Okay Noneya how old are you?" I don't know why I am asking this I just turned 19, she is way to young for me. She rolls her eyes at me. Even though I know its childish she dose it cute.

"How old are you?" she asks back.

"Eigh-nineteen. My name is Trevor. Wanna hang out?" I reply to fast to take it back this is going to be trouble for me I know.

******************************Mia POV ***********************************

This guy thinks I'm scared.

"Sure, what are we going to do?" I ask with attitude. He face is full of shock.

"What do you wanna do?" he say's taking a step closer to me. I shrug and look over at the gazebo the guy he called Pacman is watching us and three other guys. I see they have cooler and assume its full of beer. I know I shouldn't be around men like this but I still don't want to go home yet.

"What do you have to drink?" I ask. He raises one of his eyebrows.

"Beer and I am sure you are not of the drinking age." he replies.

"You aren't either." I smirk, he just told me he was nineteen.

"Well Noneya wanna have a drink?" he ask with clear intentions to get me to leave. I don't say anything and start walking to the gazebo.

Pacman starts howling giving the other three guys high fives.

"What are you doing?" he asks low walking with me. His voice sounds panicked. I turn and look at him, what is wrong with him he keeps looking me in the eyes. I blush for a short moment and he smiles.

The guys have calmed down and one of them hands another some money and he ruffles his hair saying, "My boy Trev alway."

"Mason what did you bet?" Trevor ask seeing the same exchange.

The one that took the money looked at Trevor then back to me

"Johnny boy thought you couldn't get the girl to come over here." he boasts.

"Well Noneya wanted to come on her own I didn't make her do anything." He replies clearly uncomfortable.

"Mia. My name is Mia."

"Well Mia you sure got some cojones." Pacman slurs. This man give me the creeps.

"Well clearly they are bigger then yours." I retort he starts laughing.

Trevor looks at me from the corner of his eye smiling. He is kind of cute with dark blonde hair, tall and when he smiles he has a cute dimple on his right cheek. Hes wearing a black hoodie and slightly baggy jeans.

Trevor sticks his hand in the icebox and pulls out a brown glass bottle and hands it to me.

"Imma head off, Pac you coming?" the third guy spoke. Pacman seem to have had to much to drink as he lay across the bench of one of the tables.

"I'll leave these here for you." Pacman says to Trevor referring to the beer and winks at me. He leaves and Mason gets up telling the guy he needs a lift too.

I haven't opened the beer I have its making my hands cold. Trevor is looking at me then looks at my hands figuring I can't open the beer. He pulls it from my hands and using the bottle open on his key chain and hands it back.

He's daring me to drink it. I don't back down, I put the bottle to my lips and take a big gulp. It doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would but it was still hard to swallow. The second taste isn't as bad.

Trevor is sorta quite, his buddy Johnny is so talkative telling me about the first time he had beer and how he prefers liquor. He finally stops talking when his phone start blaring some type of rock rap. I stopped counting the beers around 4. It's dark now and I feel hot. I get up and walk to the swings that are only a few feet way. I sit thinking I'm going to swing but the motion makes me feel sick so I just sit there with both hands and my face resting on the metal chain.

"Can I sit here?" Trevor asks, making me jump. I start laughing at myself for being scared.

"I don't own the park."I slur.

"Your a lightweight." Trevor states as he sits on the swing next to me swaying.

"I've never drank before its kind of fun." I didn't intend on saying that out loud, I laugh more and start to swing slowly not letting my feet come off the ground. I don't feel sick anymore, I feel bubbly.

"So whats your bet?" I ask , Trevor looks at me like he doesn't understand my question.

"Bet?" he ask.

"You know your friends they bet you could or couldn't get me to the gazebo... What are you betting?" his eyebrow goes up and he smirks.

"I didn't bet anything. I- whats your deal? Arn't you like 14? Walking up to strangers and just drinking beer with people you don't even know?" he says annoyed.

"Family drama. My whore of mother wants to visit and I don't want to see her. For your information I'm 16." I lie for sure will get him in trouble if he finds out I'm really 15. I have never called her a whore out loud before it feels good.

He looks me up and down I blush from him checking me out I am not used to this kind of attention. He laughs I am assuming its because he knows I am lying. He gets up from his swing but I don't want him to leave.

"Push me." I demand. He looks at me and back at the gazebo where Johnny is in deep conversation with someone.

"I don't think that's a good idea." he says.

"It's a good night for bad ideas." I slur. He puts both his hand behind his neck and sighs. He walk back to me.

"What kind of fucked up family do you have?" I ignore his questions as he pull me back trying hard to avoid touching me. I swing for about 2 minutes and realize it was not a good idea. I think I'm going to be sick. I plant my feet so I stop but I still feel like I'm spinning I pull myself out of the swing and fall in the sand.

"OH shit- Mia are you okay?" Trevor says with concern he leans over me to help me up. Only I want to say on the floor. I pull him down with me. He yells fuck catching himself so he doesn't fall full weight on me. We are face to face, I have never been this close to the opposite sex and it make me blush. He rolls himself over so he is next to me. I thought he was going to kiss me.

"How long will I be dizzy?" I ask as I bite my bottom lip.

"Well your not throwing up so maybe another hour." He says I turn to look at him has turned to lay on his side. He's looking me in the eyes again and licks his bottom lip.

"Are you think about kissing me?" I ask and his face looses color then he blushes.

"I very much want to kiss you Mia, but that would be wrong." he says and lays back down on his back.

We both lay there in silence for what feel like forever. I break if by asking the time. I jump up to my feet to fast and again feel dizzy. I am in so much trouble right now. Ma and Pa are going to kill me and I'm drunk. Fuck my life today. Well if I'm going to be in trouble might as well make it worth it.

"Why would it be bad to kiss me?" I ask

He looks at me like I should already know this answer. I move to be in front of him. I have kissed guys but most where like spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven and dares. I wanted Trevor to kiss me because I wanted to be kissed.

"Mia what are you doing?" I had moved closer to him and put my hands near the color of his hoodie and pulled him really close to my face.

"I would really like it if you would kiss me." I try to save seductively but it came out as a whisper. I was waiting for the crashing rejection but that didn't come. Trevor softly put his lips to mine. It was different then the childish kissing games I played. Trevor was soft and when his mouth left mine he trailed kisses down my jaw and neck. It tickled and I pulled away and stated to walk home all my dizziness gone.
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Sorry about typos.