Status: in the works is on Wattpad under user name Arie391


Chapter 2

I had to sneak into the house. I had no clue on how I would do it but a drunk me had the smart idea to go through the bathroom window.

I was in and I knew I had to be quite. I took off all my clothes and got into the shower I could really smell the beer or I was really paranoid about it.

Trevor chased after me after our kiss. Pulled me back to him and we kissed again only the second kiss was more aggressive. I could feel his hands at my lower back pulling me closer. I bit and sucked his bottom lip and he moaned and moved from my mouth down my jaw.

"Sixteen." he whispered to himself and I giggled.

It was a weird. I thought kissing gave off fireworks in your head when you wanted to kiss someone. It just took away my bubbly feeling and cleared my mind enough that I could walk home in a straight line.

"I can't do that again." Trevor said as we pulled away from each other.

I took my beer spilled clothes to the washer and started it. Trevor asked if I had a cellphone I told him I didn't have it on me and I had just gotten a new number so I didn't know it by heart yet.

He gave me his number telling me to text him once I got home.

*got home. night. 19.*

*19?* I was still buzzed, looking at his reply. He didn't get it.

I crashed on my bed, dreaming of dimples and swings. Only to jump awake at the sound of my phone buzzing.

"Hello?" I say groggy.

*************Trevors POV***********

"Melly is going to fucking loose it with you." Johnny said after Mia left.

"Fuck her. We broke up months ago." I replied. Johnny playfully pushes me.

"So what you into underage girls?" he asks me, I scowl at his question and get up and leave.

Mia seems different. I am glad it was the last time I will see her.

I get to my apartment at the same time my phone buzzes. I can't help the smile on my face as I look at it.

*got home. night. 19.* I wanted to talk with her again.

*19?* I waited for a reply but none came.

I fell asleep with the thought of Mia's lips on me. Wanting to see her again and not wanting to see her again.

I'm so fucked.

********** Mia POV*************

All time stopped with the call. I hate myself for taking off.


"Mia Jacobs?" it was a woman on the phone I couldn't recognize her voice.

"Yeah... Can I ask who is calling?"

"This is Nancy from MRC Medical. You're the ICE contact for Mary and Carter Jacobs. I am sorry to inform you that they have been in an accident." Every fiber of my being froze and fell apart at the same time. I couldn't think of what I was supposed to say or do.

Is this shock? What am I going to do? What should I do?

"Are..." I hadn't realized I was holding my breath. Why am I whispering? "I will be there in-" How am I going to get there?

"Mia I am assuming you are not 18, is that right?" Nancy asks me. What dose my age have anything to do with it. Ma and Pa...

"No, I'm not 18." I sound monotone and irritated by her question.

"Mia both Carter and Mary are stable we need their medical documents and-" I start to zone her out Ma and Pa they have to be fine they are both healthy.

"Why do I need to be 18?" I could feel the tears on my cheeks and realized I had started crying. They must have left looking of me. This is my fault.

"The next of kin Xiomara Jacobs but the phone number is disconnected. The next one was you. We need to get in contact with Xiomara for the medical paperwork." I scuff and hang up the phone.

I didn't have a licence I had no way to get to the hospital it would be a 2 hour walk. The only person that would be up this late that had a vehicle was Trevor.

"Hey." he answered on the third ring. I woke him up.

"I'm sorry to call you but-" I stop myself I just met this person. Why am I so willing to ask him for help? "Do you think you can drive me to the hospital?"

"Are you okay?" he seems puzzled.

"My parents where in an accident. I sorry, I shouldn't of called you."

"Don't worry about it. I can take you. Text me where to pick you up." I hear shuffling from him getting up.

It's been a week. I 'm sitting in the hospital next to Ma's bed. She has one fully broken leg and 3 broken ribs. One of her broken ribs punctured her lung. They have her sedated due to the pain and the breathing tube. Pa has bruised ribs broken arm and had gotten a concussion.

Pa denies that they left to look for me they trust me. I cried knowing I had betrayed that trust. I was going to tell him but I felt it was not the right time.

Pa is being released today against doctor orders. He said he has to get back to work and the hospital was causing him irritation and seeing Ma hurt and me pout made him sick.

He blames himself. I see it when he looks at Ma the pain in his eyes. The accident was horrible a drunk driver t-boned them going to fast and made the car rollover.

"Mia, its winter break already didn't you have plans with your friends?" Pa asked.

I look up at him and back to Ma. "Ma will be fine. I will call you if anything changes. Please, seeing you sad here hurts me, Ma just needs to heal." I understand what he is saying but I realize he wants me to go.

"I love you." I tell them both and give Ma a kiss on her forehead and Pa on his cheek deciding I will give Pa some alone time with Ma. The second I leave I hear Pa's soft cry as he sits next to her.

*Can we meet?* I send the text without really thinking. Shit.

Trevor meet me on the corner three blocks from my house.

"I have to tell you something. Trevor thank you for bringing me to the hospital... I lied about my age. I'm really 15... but I turn 16 in a few months." I say getting into his truck. His face was full of shock and anger.

"Mia I'm 19... I could get in trouble for this. You are really fucking tempting. This will be the last time seeing you." his reply was dry and we didn't speak the whole 20 minute car ride.

I kissed his cheek before I got out of the small truck. Running into the hospital I didn't look back. His face had stiffed at my touch.

*whos this?* Trevor replied.


My phone started ringing. Trevor was calling.

"Hey." I answered.

"You need to not be texting this phone number ever again." It was a female voice on the other line with pure hatred in her tone. "Trevor who the fuck is MIA?"

"Sorry. must have the wrong number." I reply and hang up.

My phone rings again. It's Trevor. I debate to answer figuring it could be the rude woman again.

*Mia its me. pick up the phone* after the second call starts. I take a deep breath.

"Hi. Look I'm sorry I just wanted to talk about-" I was hesitant of talking, "Sorry I shouldn't of called." I wanted to hang up.

"Mia... I.... we... ugh. Can I pick you up?" He asks.

"Sure. I'll wait at the Taco Bell. Down the street from the hospital." I cross the street and pull the door to Taco Bell to wait for him.

********** Trevor POV ********************

"Do you miss me?" Melly says whipping blonde hair and head back up off the table from the line of coke she just snorted. Her eyes dilate and I remember how hot I used to think it was the best time in the world to be with her. We got high everyday. Sex was a constant with Melissa. Looking at her she is really thin her cheeks are starting to sucking in a little bit. I told her that would happen smoking crank. She's grinning at me like she always dose when she wants something.

"Trev come do some lines with us." she purred at me. I used to jump at the chance to be near her.

"Na, I'm good." I look away from her as she bends down to do another line.

"Damn, man you got it bad for the hottie with the body." Johnny says speaking of Mia no doubt and waving his hands in the air making a curvy girl.

Mia is curvy. For 15 she has a full body already her breasts and her ass are fine as fuck.

Fucker I was trying to not think about. Especially her body. Her body on top of me. damn I could make her shake.

"Thanks Johnny." Melly says then she looks at me. She thinks Johnny was talking about her.

"Ha! Na Melly not you." Johnny says to her laughing.

"Well this place is getting lame." Melly gets up from her seat and come right in front of me at the counter. She places her hands at my sides and leans into my body.

"What Mel?" I ask her touch is making me feel like I need to shower. She leans up putting her body on me more and her face right next to my ear.

"Baby I will always be the girl that got away from you." She tried to whisper seductively into my ear. I turn my body to get away from her and leave the counter. Seeing that I'm rejecting her was clear on her face.

I walk outside to smoke a cigarette. The second I take a drag, I hear Melly yell my name.

"Trevor who the fuck is MIA?" Shes in my face in second its like we are dating again the way she fuming.

"Melissa you need to leave." I seethe at her pinning her against the wall. I turn and look at Vanessa, "Nes get your girl and go." Nes usually tires to fight with Melly, but today she knew better. She got up and grabbed Melly and pulled her out of the apartment.

Man this high is making me feel weird. I flex my shoulders and roll my neck trying to shake the high.

I call Mia back no answer. What the fuck did Mel tell her. I text her. I call again.

"Hi. Look I'm sorry I just wanted to talk about- Sorry I shouldn't of called." Her voice is smooth jagged but smooth.

"Mia... I.... we... ugh. Can I pick you up?" I should probably not be near her right now.

"Sure. I'll wait at the Taco Bell. Down the street from the hospital."

I get in my truck and head the 10 minutes to the Taco Bell. I look in the mirror my high is coming down good.

******************Mia POV*************************

I get in the truck. Trevor face is unreadable but he smiles at me.

"So what did you want to talk about?" he ask over the awkward silence.

"Can we drive somewhere?" I ask. He looks around the parking lot and decides its the best idea to go somewhere else. He pulls into apartment complexes. Be apartments are not in the best neighborhood, the buildings look new but the paint must be cheap because its pealing already.

He unlocks the door we just pulled up to and walk in. I pause for a moment. I shouldn't be going into an apartment with a grown man. This is a bad idea. You should of said to take you to the park. He won't hurt. With my last thought I walk into the apartment. Its not what I had expected. It's not clean but its decent. Trevor is in his small open kitchen he smiles when he sees me. I walk closer to him and see his eyes are really dark in color today.

"Your eyes look intoxicated." I didn't mean to say that out loud but I did. Trevor face falls like he is ashamed of himself he looks away from me.

"I was a little high earlier but" he shrugs, "its gone now." He walk closer to me but my body pulls me back against the counter.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He says slowly. I didn't back away because of fear.

"I know I just think it would be best not to be in arms length do you think?" I say sarcastically and giggle. Trevor give me a breath taking crooked grin and chuckles too.

"I have self control so that must be for you." he remarks. He voice changed a little and he cut some of the space between us. My heart quickens and goosebumps go up my arm. Is he flirting with me?

"I don't know to what your referring too." I say just a low as him. He take another step. This time he uses one hand to cup my face both of us are looking each other in the eyes.

He has working hands. I can feel the callous on his thumb. My feet pull me back again only Trevor moves with me taking his hand from my face to my thighs and picking me up onto the counter.

"Mia I really want to kiss you right now." His face is inches from mine.

"Okay." I breath as he leans in slow I put my hand around the collar of his shirt and pull him to me. His lips are soft and aggressive. I have realized the he maneuvered his body between my legs. His hands are under my shirt going up and down my back. He moves down my jaw and I realize he's trying to take off my shirt. And I'm pulling on his. We pull away removing our shirts. I am sitting on his counter in jeans and sports bra. His mouth goes down my jaw line and he nips at my collar bone and I get goosebumps from the feeling then more goosebumps down my body. I moan when he starts sucking in the same spot. I realize we are headed somewhere I have never been.

"Stop." I whisper, Trevor stops moving and pulls away from me.

"Fuck." he whispers to himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
so sexual content is advised.

i like reading long chapter so i will try to post long chapters. please let me know if i should continue.