Status: in the works is on Wattpad under user name Arie391


Chapter 3

"Get out." Trevor shut his eyes. "Why are you even here? Like why did you call me? You had trouble written all over you." I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or ranting. He reopened his eyes but would not look at me. I get off the counter and pick up my shirt putting it back on and take the few steps to the door. I reach the door.

"Honestly, I don't know." I say realizing he's rejecting me. I turned the knob to open the door only its pushed back closed. Trevor's hand has stopped the door he right behind me.

"Mia don't go." he says my name slow and I can feel his breath down my neck. I shivered realizing I can also feel his body heat. I turn around we are inches apart again. Trevor bites his lip and his eyes scan my face stopping at my lips then back to my eyes.

"I can't be with you." He says really low. I don't think he meant for me to hear it. He leans closer to me I turn my face away from him. He ends up kissing my cheek.

"Stop. You are going to give me whiplash." I say as he pulls away from me.

"Me?! I told you not to try and see me. You do something to me." His eyes have lighted. The flecks of green are prominent. "I mean I don't know if its a sexual thing, but I have only really liked blonds." He places both of hands on my hips inserting then into the belt loops and pulls me to him. "I have never wanted to please a female the way I want to please you." His voice is getting low his eyes dilate when I look up at him again. "The thing is I don't want to have those thoughts."

"Okay?" my statement came out as a questions. I am not sure what to respond to his words.

Trevor chuckles as his hands go to my lower back pulling him closer to him. He's still shirtless and I am trying to not touch him with my hand.

"Your a virgin." He says slightly shocked. My face goes bright red.

"Damn that is fucking worse for me." He says letting me go and walking to his t-shirt. "I mean you don't kiss like I am your first." He mumbles a little bit more but I don't hear him.

"How can you tell?" I ask wondering how he got his assumption; that's not wrong.

"The way you did't react to my seduction. Look Mia we" he waves his right hand back and forth from him to me. "can't. I could you know."

"I don't want to have sex with you. I just wanted to thank you for the ride to the hospital and if that is why you brought me here." I wave my hand in a circle regarding the apartment. " I would like to leave."

"What? Mia I don't want to want to have sex with you. That came out wrong." He starts pacing in circles. "I don't think we should have this conversation right now." He turns around moves his pants and sits on the worn out couch and pats the seat next to him.

"I will not touch you... We can talk. How are your parents doing?" he says. I feel the tears in my eyes. I can't understand why I don't leave. I place myself next to Trevor.

"Health wise my Pa is fine. My Ma is in worse condition but the doctors say she will be fine." I push back the tears that tried to escape.

We talk I find that Trevor was a foster child, his mom and dad died when he was 4 and he had no other family. He tells me he "aged out" of the system with practically nothing a year ago. He has three jobs. He works as a mechanic, delivery of the news papers early in the morning and the third one is a seasonal job. I explain to him that who Ma and Pa are. I tell him about my cousins and how I hate high school. I tell him my dream of being a Veterinarian. We stop when my stomach states its past the time of eating and Trevor laughs. I am slightly embarrassed that I hand

"Please don't be the girl that wont eat in front of a guy. I'm going to order a pizza yeah?" He seems to not be so tense. I nod telling him I like bell peppers and pepperoni.

"Well I'm sorry I don't have cable and my movie collecting is just a bunch of bootlegs."

"I don't really watch much T.V. I guess it's kind of nerdy but I would much rather get lost in a book or conversation." My answer seems to surprise him but he smiles.

"A nerdy girl that hates school. That is a new one." A knock at the door stops my response. Trevor gets up to get the door. I check my phone to see if Pa has tried to contact me. I have a message from Kira.

*Want to come to my house?* I ignore her message. She sent it over 3 hours ago.

"What the matter with you do you have a girl in there with you?" the voice is familiar.

"Not tonight Mason." Trevor says as the door is pushed open.

"Fuck man you got jail bait here." Mason comes in. A girl who can't be but a few years older then me follows behind him.

"Really?" The girl looks back at him. Mason shrugs and walks to the fridge.

Mason is about about average in height. He has short black hair and medium dark skin. His eyes are a little sunk in he has full lips and his nose look like its been broken.

"Damn man you ain't got shit." Mason says as he slams the refrigerator door.

"Can you not stare at my boyfriend?" the girl says. I turn to look at her. She has the type of skinny body all girls want. She has the thigh gap, wide hips, full lips and c cup boobs.

"Sorry I-" I hadn't noticed I was staring.

"Its cool. Mason and Trevor usually trade us around your okay with that right?" She tell me. I can't hid the shock on my face. I turn and look at Trevor and back at Mason and back at the girl who is now smiling.

"Girl I'm kidding." She says seeing that I feel like I might panic.

"My name is Nes." She extends her hand out to me.

"Mia." She sits next to me on the couch. Trevor is in the kitchen with Mason they seem to be having a privet conversation and Trevor is tense again.

"If you want us to go I can get Mason to leave." She says to me.

"Yes, please Nes both of you can go." Trevor says turn over to us.

"What the hell man! Na your not kicking us out for Mya." Mason says.

Another knock at the door. This time it is the pizza feel hungry and dizzy as I smell the food. Trevor got 3 pizzas because it was a promotion to buy 2 get one free.

"Yes! Food I am hella starving." Mason says rubbing his hands together.

"Your always hungry." Trevor says. Pulling the pizza from Mason trying to take it from him. He places it on the counter pulling two plates from the cabinet.

"Trev you have any? I got 20." Nes ask as Trevor smacks Masons hand from taking the Pizza from the plate he just placed it on.

"Uh-" Trevor turned to look at me then back to Nes as a quit exchange happened with their eyes. Nes rolls her eyes at Trevor and looks at me.

"Mia do you have problem with marijuana?" She very blunt. Mason chokes on the pizza he was able to steal from the box.

"Vanessa!" Trevor sneers as he hands me my plate. I take it in my hands.

"Should I have a problem with it?" I ignore Trevor's eyes on me.

"No, but would you have a problem if we smoke it here?" Nes asks reaching over and taking her own slice of pizza.

"It's not my place to give permission for that." I finally turn to look at Trevor who seems to have lost color in his face. "I know you smoke. I could smell it the first time we met on your clothes." I shrug taking a seat on the only chair at the table.

I don't have an issue with marijuana. It's not my apartment.

"Alright it's settled. She fine with it." Nes says turning away from me. She reaches in her pocket and pulls out a twenty dollar bill and hands it Trevor. He takes it never taking his eyes off me then goes to the bedroom. He comes back with a bag of weed, hands it Nes.

"It better not be short and it better be your top shit." she says placing it in her back pocket.

"Baby we going to smoke that now?" Mason ask pulling another pizza from the box.

"No. Trev promised to smoke us out last week." Nes says. Trevor is still staring at me. Like he waiting for me to say something or do something.

"Vanessa-" Trevor finally looks at her but I cut what ever he was going to tell her.

"Could I try it?" I say and all three of them look at me wide eyes as if I set the place on fire.

"Really?" Nes asks. "No." Trevor says and Mason starts laughing all at the same time.

"Come on its just a little weed its not like we having her shoot up." Mason says turns to look at Trevor.

"I don't think that its a good idea." Trevor tells her. He looks back at me I shrug.

My cousins smoke weed and I don't see anything wrong with it as long as they don't bug me. I just never tried it before. They always seem to enjoy themselves but wont let me try it because of Ma and Pa.

"Well good thing your not the only one with bud today." Nes breaks the awkward silence I created. She goes to the couch pulling a tray from the other side and her baggy out of her back pocket.

"Coco Puffs?" Mason says to Nes. I don't know what it means but Trevor glares at him and turns back to Nes.

"Fuck No. Nes keep your shit to yourself I have a pre-roll." Trevor says as he gets up and goes back into his room. Nes smiles putting her stuff away. I get up and go sit next to Nes she smiles at me.

"Excited?" she ask wiggling her eyebrows up and down. I shrug.

"Whats "coco puffs" mean?" I whisper to her our of curiosity making air quotes with my hands. I didn't want Trevor hear me the work seemed to irrate him. Wilson, my cousin said it once. When I asked him about it he said that it was none of my fucking business.

"Ignore Mason, he likes roller coaster rides." She says as she places her pot back in her back pocket. Trevor re enters the room with a large joint in his hand.

Mason finally leaves the kitchen rubbing his hands together.

"Yeah lets get this party started."Mason says snatching the joint from Trevor and pulling out a lighter and lighting the end. When it catches the flame and the end turns red he places it to his lips and inhales three big puffs. He then passes it Nes as he blows the smoke out. The weed smells strong. Mason lightly coughs and so does Nes from her own inhale. She hands it to me.

I take it in my hand and look at it wondering how it works. Trevor is right next to me at this point and pulls it from my fingers.

"I want you to know you don't have to do this." He says to me. He puts the joint to his lips and inhales. I watch as the joint decreases in size and the red ball burns. He tries to pass it back to Mason how has now squished himself on the couch putting Nes in his lap.

"I want to." I say pulling it back out of his hand. "Am I supposed to swallow it?" Mason and Nes laugh.

"No, inhale about half way down your lungs then blow it out." Trevor tells me lightly. I do as he suggested. My throat fells like it is on fire and I know I haven't even taken a full hit because it makes me cough. I try again this time I feel the smoke in my body. I cough some more and extend my arm to give the joint to anyone.

"Let me get you some water." Trevor says. He gets up to get me a water bottle from the fridge.

The joint goes around until its no bigger then the end of a number 2 pencil eraser.
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