Status: in the works is on Wattpad under user name Arie391


Chapter 4

I don't feel anything. The room is quite. Why? My eyes feel heavy. Maybe I did it wrong. Why are they staring at me like that. What was that sound? Am I laughing? What the fuck? Trevor is laughing now. What is so funny. Shit my stomach hurts.

"She's fucking blown." Nes says. I turn to look at her my laughing has finally stopped. As soon as we make eye contact we both laugh.

"I thought it made you paranoid?" dose my voice always sound so high pitched? I ask all three of them none of them answer they all just laugh. I don't know why but it makes me laugh too. My side starts to hurt and I lean into Trevor. He wraps arm around me and I realize I can feel my blood flowing in that area. I can feel my heart beat going a little faster.

I sit up straight and stop laughing. I turn and look at Trevor. "Sorry I-" I started laughing again. Oh my god stop! Why can't I stop?

"You are hella baked. Man I miss when it would hit me that hard." Mason says I turn to look at him Nes is kissing his neck. It makes me laugh more this time I don't lean into Trevor I lay back on the couch and put both my hands on my chest.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I can't stop." I say between fits of laughter.

"It will pass. Just breathe." Trevor whispers in my ear. It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I stop laughing again and turn to look at him. It makes us face to face.

"Your going to kiss me again then tell me I'm to young for you again arn't you?" I meant as a whisper but it came out a little higher then I wanted.

"I want to. I wont." I feel his breath on my face. I start giggling and turn away.

"Lets watch a movie!" Nes say pulling herself away from Mason and getting off the couch. She goes through the disks on the tv stand decides one is good and slides it in the DVD player.

The movie starts only shes not paying much attention to it because her and Mason start making out.

I keep giggling every few seconds and stopping for no apparent reason. My phone buzzes and I have a message from Pa.

*Staying at the hospital with Ma. Remember to lock the doors.* I fell like I might panic. I don't know where my response comes from but I hit send.

*Staying at a friends.* I double check to see when the message was received and that it didn't take me 20 minutes to reply. I replied with into two minutes. I decide to relax and lay back on the couch. The movie that is on seems so much longer then it should. I laugh at it even though I know its not a comedy.

I'm not sure at what point I closed my eyes but I had fallen asleep. I wake up so someone grabbing my legs and placing them on the couch to lay down. I feel a blanket cover me.

I mumble "Thank you" and have a deep sleep for the first time in a week.

***********Trevor's POV***********************

Nes put on the most boring movie I own. Mia keeps giggling to herself. She so baked. She has a cute giggle. Stop watching her. I have to keep reminding myself.

Mia looks at her phone and taps on the screen. She jumps a few seconds later and looks at her screen. Then laughs again. Lays back and I creepily watch her fall asleep. Her head falls on my arm and weed just smoked has my body tingling.

I pull my arm from under Mia and tap Mason on the arm. Mia snuggles on to my shoulder. He looks at me then at Mia. Nes has fallen asleep in his arms too. He scoops her up in his arms.

"We are staying here." Mason says as he pulls open my spare bedroom. I sit with Mia leaning on me for a while. The movie finally ends and I slowly pull myself from her. I rest her head on a pillow and pull her legs up on the couch. She shivers. I'm glad I washed my bedding now. I return with a blanket and cover her. The weed is going away now. She mumbles in her sleep.

I make sure my alarm is set on my phone. I pass out.

****************Mia's POV**************

I jump awake from a light being turned on. It takes me a few seconds to realize where I am.

"Sorry I forgot you where on the couch. I have to go to work." Trevor says. He's in his kitchen eating a slice of left over pizza. I rub my eyes still feeling tired but I sit up.

"Okay. Do you think you can drop me off at home?" I ask in a groggy voice.

"Uh"Trevor looks at the clock on the stove its 2:43 am. "I have to be at the newspaper place at 2:50 I don't have time- I can take you after I get back. It will be around 6 or 6:30." I look at the clock again I really want to go back to sleep.

As I say okay and lay back down. Trevor tap on my shoulder.

"You can sleep on my bed until I get back." He leaned down and was whispering next to my head.

"Are you sure? That's not weird?" I ask. I was not very comfortable on the couch I was just tired.

"I have slept on this couch before. Go ahead its the door to the right. The bathroom is the one straight the one to the left Mason and Nes are in there." I wrap the blanket round my and get up off the couch my neck hurt already.

Trevor room smells like weed. He has a queen size bed pushed again the far right corner of the room out of the way of the windows from the light. He has a pile of clothes at the end of his bed. a small dresser to the left and 3 tall book shelves with books and jars of weed.

"I usually lock my room when someone says in my guest room..." he says as he grabs the random socks that are not in the pile of dirty cloths. "Look I don't usally leave people in my room if it's okay can you not- pilfer my stuff?" I'm to tired for his weird talk I climb on his bed.

"I'm just going to sleep you can lock it if you need to. I doubt I'll be awake when you get back." Trevor's bed is more comfortable then mine. The bed is soft and firm and I fall back asleep quickly.


"Mia? I don't want to wake you but-"I hear Trevor say. Is it already 6? I grunt because I still don't want to wake up.

"No. It's to early. I want to sleep. I like your bed." I smile and I roll over.

"Okay... Is it okay if I lay down too." I jolt up and look at Trevor. He puts both his hands up in surrender.

"I said I wouldn't touch you, but I would like to go back to sleep too. I can take you home in the afternoon." I think about it and take a pillow and place it in the middle of the bed.

"Okay, but you stay on your side." I tell him making a make shift barrier with a blanket. Trevor kicks off his shoes and takes off the belt. I look away as he takes off his pants and climbs on the bed.

I am not going to sleep with him right there.

"Trevor?" I whisper. I turn over on the bed to face him. He is breathing lightly. He fell asleep fairly fast.

************Trevor's POV*****************

"Trevor?" Mia whispered. I don't move. I don't want to look at her. I can't look at her. I feel the bed move and feel her breath on my neck when she sighs.

Mia starts ranting quietly and fast.

"I'm sorry. I don't want you to get in trouble. I like you, I don't how exactly yet or know why. I can't stop thinking about you though." She giggles and the bed vibrates. "Your the first guy to show me attention and I'm afraid I might latch on to that. I am a virgin. I don't want to have sex yet and if that's what you are wanting from me.... I'm not ready." The bed shift again. I don't have to look to see she is seated on the side of the bed. She gets up and walks quietly to the door. I hear it click and know she has left.

********Mia's POV**************

I couldn't sleep and venting to sleeping Trevor was not helpful. It has made me more confused and the talking made me realize how thirsty I am.

"Damn jail bait Trev smokes you out and fall on your back real fast." Nes says. She's wearing Mason shirt and panties walking out of the bathroom. I know my face goes red with shock and anger.

"Excuse me?" I say "You don't know me. Not that it is any of your business but I did not have sex last night. You want to call me jail bait your only like what a year older then me?"

"Girl take a joke." Nes say as she laughs walking back into the room where her and Mason slept.

I go to the bathroom first then wonder into the kitchen. There is one slice of pizza left in the box. I pick it up and start eating it. My stomach feels like I haven't had food for days. I open the fridge and find water bottles. I pull one out open it. I pull a water bottle from the fridge and sit on the only chair at the table.

Why is there only one chair? I see a few books stacked on the floor by the wall one book catches my eye. I pick it up and move to the couch. I look at the stove that holds the time its almost seven in the morning.

Trevor walks into the living when I reach the middle of chapter 4 with sleep still in his eyes. When he sees me he looks shocked. I look at the time its eight thirty-five now.

"I thought you left." He says surprised, but smiles. His eyes brighten up as he sits next to me by my feet.