For the Rest of Our Lives

Nine (2003)

We're getting older. Our bodies are going to start changing. That's what they're telling us in school right now. I've started getting taller, but I'm still shorter than Sally.

Sally has taken to wearing jeans every day, even when in the middle of summer when it's too hot out to wear anything but shorts. I don't ask her why, but she tells me anyway. She insists it's a new fashion trend she's trying to start. I have no idea what that means.

My brother is growing a lot too- he can actually speak a few sentences now. They're not complete sentences, but they're understandable enough.

"Luna, want cookie?" Nathan asks, holding up the half eaten cookie he's drooled on. I cringe, but take it.

"Of course, thank you Nathan," I say. This pleases him, and he wanders off back over to his toy trucks.

"Gross," Sally whispers. I laugh and nod, dropping the cookie onto my plate where a hotdog used to be. "You're not going to eat it, are you?"

"No!" I say, a little too loudly. I cover my mouth and look over at Nathan. He's still absorbed in playing with his trucks, so I relax and uncover my mouth. "No, that's disgusting. I'm not eating it."

Sally reaches for it then, and wipes it off on her shirt before finishing it off. I stare at her with wide eyes. She stares back at me with eyes equally as wide, her lips pursed.

"Ew!" I say loudly. We burst into laughter, and Sally shakes her head.

"I'm not wasting a cookie," she says. "Besides, it wasn't that bad after wiping off the spit."

She returns her attention to the TV. My dad just recently bought me an xbox, and we've been playing Dungeons and Dragons whenever Sally comes over. Well, as long as my mom will allow- she only allows us a couple of hours to play on it before she shoos us outside.

"Come on, Luna," Sally says. "There are more bad guys to defeat! More quests to complete!" I smile and pick up my controller.

"Luna, 30 more minutes and then I want you to turn the TV off!" my mom calls from the kitchen.

"Okay, mom!" I yell back at her. I really don't want to turn the TV off, but playing outside is equally as fun as playing on the xbox.

The 30 minutes fly by fast, and we run outside without too much prompting from my mom. We pick up sticks and pretend they're swords and bows. Sally lunges at me and pretends to stab me.

"Ah! You got me!" I yell. I fall dramatically to my knees on the ground. "I'm bleeding! I'm dying!"

"Dying people don't make sounds like that," Sally snorts. I'm about to respond when her father calls from her house.

"Sally Marie Danver!" he yells. "Get your ass here right now!" Sally's eyes widen, and we both shiver at the sound.

"Daddy's home," she says quietly. She quickly drops her stick and rushes off without another word.

I let my stick fall to the ground silently, watching Sally's hair in the wind. I wish she didn't have to go.
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I haven't been doing much writing lately! But I did write a VERY short sixteenth chapter on Monday.