My Life In The Shadows

This story is my life. An abusing father, crazy girlfriend, scary boyfriend, and wonderful friends all in one package.

Alexandria Cathrine Bowman- Age 17 has a height of 5'4. Blue/gray eyes and pitch black hair. Heavily addicted to cigaretts. She is skinny but not disgusting skinny. She wears flashy makeup, and is semi-emo [punk]. She idolizes Bam Margera.She has been walking this hell fucked earth since January 12 1991, and in 1997 her parents had a scary divorce. Her father got engaged to a psycotic woman and gained full custody of Alex.They stayed in Shaler. Her mother on the other hand moved to Crafton during the divorce. Alex lost all contact with her best friends when the divorce happened. Let's just say it ruined her life.

Jacob Wayne Bowman- Alex's Brother. He is 2 years older and about a foot taller than her. He knows about the things that happen in Shaler. Even though He lives with his friends in Carnegie. He has blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and plays the drums. He's trying to be a pro skater . He's really good at it too. He is friends with Alex's crush and is trying to get her to hook up with him, but she has a boyfriend.

Courtney Rose Szulkowski- 16, like 5'8. Has blue eyes and brown and blonde hair that never stays the same. Where's bright ass makeup. Is skinny but also not disgusting skinny. She idolizes Marilyn Monroe. Her parents got divorced when she was 13, and her mother remarried. She is like Alex's sister, and they used to hang out all the time. Until Alex's dad took her away.

Elizabeth Maree Shrader- 12 turning 13 around 5'6 electric blue eyes, dyed black hair "Racoon makeup" .She's way skinny [she's always been that way though]. Born December 12th. She is also Courtney's Cousin. Addicted to Hello Kitty.

Eva Nicole Spath- 17, around 5'4. Black hair, Hazel/ green eyes.Heavily addicted to cigaretts.Random as hell at all times. If she misses someone for too long she will jump on them. Absolutley loves her cat Pheobe who is absolutley amazing. She looks like a racoon. Idolizes Leonardo from the ninja turtles.

Andrew Hommey-18, around 5'6 Black hair, brown eyes. One of Jake's best friends. He skateboards 24/7. It's his life. He lives right up the street from Alex and two doors down from Meech. He is pure Italian. Likes Alex, but she won't let them date... or will she?