Sunshine & Gunpowder

Flight 424

Finger interlaced. Words shared over mingling breaths. Soft laughter.

Kensi Blye snuggled in deeper to her newlywed husband, Marty Deeks, ignoring the 'fasten seatbelt' sign overhead. The two, in honeymoon bliss, were scrolling through photos of their wedding day. Action, adventure, laughter, fun, friends, dancing, love. It was a night that would go down in the books of infamy, and that was impressive, especially compared to Deeks' standards.

"Ahh, remember this?" Deeks said, with laughter, referring to a photo of him trying to drop into the splits on the dance floor.

"How could I forget? You- Deeks, you're still icing yourself with the ice water they brought us an hour ago!" Kensi pushed the computer screen down, still laughing at her partner. She nuzzled her face into his neck, placing soft kisses until Deeks' attempt at an explanation dissipated into soft sighs.

"Keep that up, and I'm going to have to enact Penal Code 5280," he nearly groaned.

"Oh? And what exactly is that?" Kensi murmured against his hot neck, still teasing him with kisses.

"The Mile High Club, baby!" he said with a huge grin.

"Oh, Deeks, c'mon!" Kensi groaned and pulled back, before sinking her fist into his right arm.

"Ow! Ow!" Deeks mock-shouted as he reached up to rub the already bruising area. "Uncle! Uncle!"

Attention passengers, we are now approaching Velana International. Please make sure your belongings are securely stored underneath the seat in front of you, or in an overhead bin. Please make sure your seats are up, and your tray tables are secured in front of you. Thank you for flying with TransAsian Airlines, and enjoy your stay in the beautiful islands of the Maldives

"Looks like we're landing," Kensi said, looking out the planes window.

Deeks reached down and interlocked his fingers with hers, again. "Good. Because I'm pretty sure the left side of my butt has lost all feeling." He stared as his wife with a telling look.

"Keep looking, because I am not offering to massage your ass. That is what a masseuse is for."

"Well, then can we hit up a couples massage before traveling to our utmost private of islands?"

"The whole island isn't ours, Deeks. We will have our own villa, though."

The scruffy blonde leaned in to kiss his bride's shoulder. "Mmm... our own villa... to do whatever we want in..."

"Does not mean you can just walk around without clothes on, Deeks."

"Why not?" He almost sounded like a child that had his favorite plans canceled.

"Babe, there's a time and a place for that."

"Right. And this is the perfect time and place for that! Kens, we're going to be on a private villa. On a semi-private island. With the kind of money we're paying for this privacy, I better be able to show off my birthday suit!"

"Touche," Kensi said with a laugh.

Once the plane touched down, the couple deplaned with the rest of the passengers, and went to pick up their luggage from the customs baggage claim.

"Y'know... if you're planning on being naked most of the time, then why did you pack so much?" she teased.

"A man's gotta be prepared, Kensi!" Deeks exclaimed, proudly. "You never know what you're going to encounter in this magical place!" They headed outside to find their charter boat that would take them from the airport on the main island, to the smaller island of Naladhu, where they were staying. They approached the man with Deeks' name on the sign. It was still strange to Kensi to see that name, encompassing the two of them. They exchanged greetings and headed for the docks. The closer they approached the boat, the more uneasy Kensi felt.

Suddenly, everything went dark, as black ruck-sacks were thrown over the agents' heads and tied tightly, almost suffocating them.

Everything was suddenly too quiet, as they were thrown in the back of a van. She felt the vehicle taking off.

What was happening? Why were they targeted? Why did no one try to stop them? Wasn't this alarming to any of the locals? Didn't Deeks say, in his research, that the Maldives were entirely safe? What had they gotten themselves into? The silence allowed for too many questions unanswered.

Never knowing what you're going to encounter, indeed, she thought.