Alpha Bieber

Chapter 2

"This gonna be so cool Lyra!" Deliot my last brother yelled shaking me as both of our matching ebony black curly hair bounced wildly. We had just that in common. I had a lot in common with Desmond tho, we both had black eyes and purple birth marks that made our shoulders seem like we had tattoos on them.

"Knock it of Eli. You don't want to give her a concussion." Desmond said as he dragged Deliot away from me. "You know she's weak." His harsh low voice vibrated as I looked away. I watched him waltz away with Theo, Timon the twins while Titan, Edric stayed in the living room  and Ethan and Deliot went

'It will be alright Dilyra.' My mum mind linked me. She never spoke to my first six brothers just me and Deliot. She hated what my dad had turned them into.... War machines.... Replaced my once loving brothers to heartless power seekers. But I couldn't blame dad, they chose the path. Deliot was a Gamma but he had a heart, he cared for mum, Desmond didn't, he was dad's second in command. He was exactly like Alpha Bieber. Dark, domineering,  hypocritical stereotyped. They were literally the same person. No wonder had history together.

"Are you gonna stand here staring staring like an idiot or go help mother with the food?" Ethan my foster brother, just seventeen and he'd be acting like he's my boss... WE'RE AGE MATES DUMBO. Every cell in body wanted to yell at him with a string of very colorful words, but being the introvert I was, I simply nodded at stalked away.

"Everything's gonna be fine baby." My mum engulfed me a hug as I felt my eyes sting as I wiped them. Dilyra Kim Key never cried. "Its okay Lyra, let it out." Mum cooed as she patted my back. Then I saw what made me cry.

"Mum?" I looked down at her- I was a bit tall duh... Sniffling.

"Yeah baby?" 

"I thought you knew I was allergic to onions?"  She looked confused for sometime before pouting and smacking my hair loudly.

"Ow..." I whined but a huge grin was placed on my face.

"I thought you were going to say something important." She scoffed. My mum could be a teenager sometimes and I love her. Then we heard Titan scoff as he slammed the fridge close not really taking anything from it and completely ignoring us so we do the same.

A few moments of silence passed as helped my mum chop cabbages then she brought the event of Alpha Bieber.

"So what are you gonna wear?" My mum chirped as she added salt to the rice.

"I dunno, I guess I might try my cream button up gown?  I've never worn it since you gave me tho." I muttered mum's face light up.

"You will?? You'll look beautiful in it baby" She cooed as she removed a black strand of hair from her face as she tucked it in her chef hat.

"Thanks mum." I lowered my voice as a habit, I don't keep confidence in my voice for long.

Eventually, we finished our late lunch and everyone got into preparation for Alpha Bieber's event