Burn the Sun

Sunnydale was not the safest city in America. In fact, it was one of the most dangerous. Muggings, assaults, and kidnapping rates were through the roof, and for some reason no one could say why. It wasn’t in a bad part of town. The neighborhoods, businesses, and public spaces like parks were all very nice. At least, they were during the day.

At night, the city seemed to take on a mind of its own. When the darkness came, the monsters played. Most people would laugh at the idea of monsters, but some citizens of Sunnydale knew. Some were all too aware of what lurked in the shadows.

Nell Cross was very aware, and even so, she left The Bronze alone. She walked to her car alone, drove back to the college alone, then began the trek back to her dorm alone.

Nell Cross didn’t make it to her room that night.

Disclaimer: I don't own BtVS or any characters/settings from the show.