Kill Arthur


“What do you want to do today?” Nancy sang leaving the schoolyard. She’s holding my hand swinging it back and forth skipping next to me. “But nothing too flashy. Tomorrow is your big day and we will throw the biggest bash the school has ever seen.”

“Today I just want to hang with my sister.” I smile. I watched her soft smiling face glow with admiration. That admiration made it so hard for me to leave a younger sibling. So at the very least, I try to make the last day as memorable as possible. Especially for Nancy.

Looking at her now she’s grown so much. She was developing faster than most girls her age. In fact, I’d say she was shaping up to be quite the classy chassis. Not only that, but she was beautiful on the inside too. Being so lost in thought I didn’t even notice we stop walking and I was openly staring. “Izzy?” She shakes my shoulder. “Are you ok?”

I shake my head holding back the tears, “Please never change, Nanc.”

Her eyes look up at me in confusion. “What-”

“Hey! Izzy! Nanc!” Moving flat out down the sidewalk catching every white eye on the street was a colored boy with knotted hair and grody clothes.

“Hey, Milles.” I grin. Milles real name is Ray but we call him Milles since he’s so tall, even for a negro.

“Milles, it’s been to long.” Nancy gives him a warm hug as always. The white folks didn’t take to kindly to it, Nancy didn’t care. That was her beautiful showing.

“So uh… I’m invited?” He was holding his hands looking up through his lashes. Which was impressive for how tall he was. We barely come up to his shoulders.

“To what?” I unfold his hands and lift his head. I hate that look on anyone.

“The… the party?”

“Of Course” Nancy squicks.

“Yeah,” I lie. I pull him in for one last hug.

The tingling started at the nape of my neck and drip down my spine. The first sign that the final moments were coming. I never know how it will happen but I always knew when. And there it was.

The tires of the Richard Williams’s black Jag screeches to a halt right next to us “No negroes allowed,” came from the car. The time it took for him to draw the pistol and for me to move Milles out of the way stretch for an eternity. The bullet hit right next to my heart. It felt like a hot iron went through my chest and was pouring in fire. I didn't even feel myself fall. God this hurts.

“Zy... Izzy. Please no. No. Please. Wake up.” Great, now she’s crying. I hate when they cry.

“You shot her. You shot. Her. Not me. Her. Your gonna burn in hell William!” Wow, I’ve never heard Miles yell like that before. I’m touched.

“I’m… what did I do? I’m sorry. I’m so. So sorry. I-” The sound of flesh hitting flesh sound in my ear making me smile on the inside. Fuck that racist rat.

I can feel Nancy’s soft legs holding my head up, her tears falling into my hair. I forced my eyes open to see her doll-like face. At some point Miles came to sit next to me, tears pouring from his eyes.

I grabbed Nancy’s check, my hand must feel so cold already. She places a shaking hand over it gripping it tightly as she can. “I love you. I love you so much. Please never change.” I coughed out. I can feel the bloodstream from my lips as I say it. And even if I didn't her face told me, anyway.

She nods her head. “I love you too, I love you.”

A steady beat sounds in the back my head putting me at ease. It's almost over.

“Milles,” I reach for him but my body’s already so weak he has to meet me halfway. “I love you too, Ray. Don’t let these Yankees pull you down. I know what it’s like.”

“O.. okay.”

“Dry the tears.” The sound is in my ears now, deafening, as the world starts to fading away. “This is an honorable death.” Was the last thing I could get out before I passed away with a smile on my face.

Bump-bump. Bump-bump. Bump-bump.

I let out an external sigh of relief at the steady and comforting sound of a mother's heartbeat. I’m in the safest place I could be in. Where the world couldn't rip me apart. Again.