Status: In my book it's pretty relatable.


Meet Nicki (fake depression)

Ye I'm Nicki, cheerleader captain, straight a's, and my dads a lawyer. And the number 1 thing is! I am depressed! It's like my middle name.
Gmail :
Username : depressionizmeeee9471
Password : ********** (depression)
"Oh heyyyy, Dana are you okaaaaaaay?"
"GO AWAY Nicki....."
"O cummmonnn, it can't be thattt bad!"
"Oh you know, you're friends thinking it's fun to stab you in the back, even though they know it's slowly ripping you apart inside, never being complimented, being slapped and punched in the face multiple times a day because ur friends want a little laugh, parents yelling at you because they think you dropped their phone when all you were doing was watching netflix and eating boom chicka pop, ur teacher laughing at you because you spelled beautiful without the a. Yah, I agree, totally not that bad!"
"Oh whatever Dana, you're just saying that to get attention, and to be cool. But you know what, I'm the one that's actually struggling from attention!"
"Oh and Nicki, describe this depression you're struggling from huh, tell me, go on!"
"Well my cat has diabetes, my parents are broke, no one likes me, my boyfriend didn't say he loved me today yet, and I have a 99% in language arts!"
Dana started sulking again, then she started sniffling. I just laughed and flipped my hair. What a loser!
I swear, people always try to copy me. It's soooooo annoying!