The Blinding Light

So Long And Goodnight

As the driver drives up my road and I yell to tell him he’s on my street. He stops at the house number I give him and everyone is sad to see me go, I get some photos. I demand I stay on the bus for a bit until I look out the window. I see Suzie and Gemma sit on my wall. “Who’s that then?” Ed asks looking at my face. I take a while to answer and then gasp out “ex-best friends” “Oh I see. Will you be ok walking in alone?” “Yeah I should be. Thanks”.
I throw my arms around him and he hands me his guitar pic. “Just a little something to remember me by” “Id remember you anyway, but thanks so much!”. I get my ribs squeezed so hard from Ali as I was getting ready to leave, a hug and kiss from Dan, a hug and a cheeky smile from Alex, Teddy got me in the headlock and told me I better be at the next gig. I went back over to Ed as I couldn’t resist but to, and got a long hug and a kiss on the cheek.
As I stepped off the bus followed by Nikola and Kirsty, I see them all wave me goodbye. “Ill give you my number and my MSN and you have to chat sometime!” I hand them both the details on a piece of paper, using Kirsty’s pen to write it and hug them both at the same time. “It was great to meet you guys and I’m expecting to see you both at the next gig yeah?” “Defiantly!” Nikola says as she looks at the piece of paper I handed her, “ Yeah we should also meet up sometime yeah?” “Yeah Kirsty that would be awesome” “AND ME!” “ “ha ha of coarse Nikola!”
I hug them and walk off. Looking back in the distance I see the shape of Nikola getting a piggy back from Alex, chasing Kirsty. I laugh to myself and then, I reach my garden, greeted by Suzie and Gemma. “Margi don’t tell me you were just on that bus?” Gemma says sounding jealous that I didn’t invite then along. “OK I wont”. I walk by and they stand glaring at me “not going to come talk no?” I feel anger bubble as inside me as the tone she’s using with me is not so nice. “Why should I Gemma? Well? After tonight I think it will take a while to talk to you again!.. oh and this time.. its not me who’s wrong”. I storm off angry and hear Suzie start to cry. I couldn’t care. I don’t care until she either apologizes, or at least explains.