The Blinding Light

Tons Of Talent

I awake to the sound of Elliot Minors, Parallel Worlds blasting through the speaker of my phone.
I now know its time for school. The one day I hated every year was here, Talent show day. Everyone gives me horrible looks as if i have done something to them, simply because of the way i dress. As if thats bad enough.. my dad had just left so my mum is trying to get a job, low on money.
I get up and ready, get my breakfast and leave. As I walk down the road with My Chemical Romance's, Famous Last Words playing through my ears i see the bus fly by, i run and run to try get to it and i know I'm going to miss it, i do. I'm now walking to school with a low I-Pod battery surely going to be late for school.
When I get to school I see Suzie and Gemma looking very excited over something. I waddle over to them and they're happy to see me as I'm greeted by Suzie "Margi! we didn't think you were going to come in! How are you?" "I'm OK i suppose, missed the bus, I-Pod battery wasted, its talent show day, couldn't be better.. what about you?" "We're OK, you weren't out with us all week where have you been?" "Just helping mum around the house really.. nothing special". I wasn't helping mum, i was sitting at home on my laptop knowing that if i went out.. all id hear about is Elliot Minors new Dublin dates, when i cant afford a ticket, and they were going.
We go to the seats to watch the talent show with people sniggering at us. I hear them mumble "stupid Goths", but thats not going to bother me. There are some good talents being showed off, while the others are rather disturbing. Jimmy Hasset of 5th year did a good violin solo, while Anna Buckley of 3rd year kind of scared me with her bright yellow and lime green sock puppets that were trying to impersonate different celebrities."Anybody want a crisp?" Gemma asks with a big bag of chili dorito's and an even bigger grin on her face."Yes please!", "Sure!". "So Margi... you going to the Elliot Minor gig in November?" "I dunno.. mum's tight with money since dad left, still didn't get anything back from the jobs she applied for" "Oh OK .. sure if you can get the money let us know yeah?" "Yeah OK". Ive been waiting for that topic to come up all day. I'm glad its out of the way.
The talent show finally ends and everyone bursts out the school door like a swarm of bee's."I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I shout as I yet again have to run for the bus, and i see Suzie and Margi wave me goodbye in the distance. I'm just so happy that days out of the way.