The Blinding Light

Online Anger

I get home throw, my bag on the ground, and go the the kitchen to see my mum sitting with her friend. "Your dinner's on the counter, should be hot enough its not out long" "OK thanks, I'm gonna have it upstairs that OK?" " Yeah just remember to bring the plate down!". I go upstairs with my plate of potatoes, cabbage and chicken to eat it in my room, with my laptop of coarse. I sit on my bed turn on the laptop and relax with my dinner.
When i sign into MSN I see Suzie and Gemma online. I feel my eyes go green with envy looking at their personal messages "WOO! ELLIOT MINOR NOV 11TH!". They never even told me they got their tickets,or were going to, I wouldn't of minded but then again, they probably just didn't wanna upset me. Gemma starts a conversation and it completely changes my mind. "Hi Margi whats up?? OMG me and Suzie got our tickets!! its gonna be awesome!". I sit and look at it as i feel the anger bubble inside me, how come they didn't ask me along? even if i cant get a ticket, I would have liked to be asked. " Hi Gemma, nothing much just having dinner. Cool, when did you go get them?" "After school today. We're so excited... like WOO!" "Thanks for asking me along" "Well you told us today in school that you couldn't afford a ticket just yet so we thought it would be mean to ask you" "Mean to ask me? Gemma its only nice to ask your friend along somewhere after school, weather I can afford it or not, its nice to be asked". "Well sorry Margi but you need to calm down.. we were thinking of you!" "Need to calm down? no i don't Gemma yous left me out and thats not a nice thing to do. So yous can go to the concert without me I don't care, Ive been to one before. So bye!".
I block Gemma and Suzie (knowing she will find out from Gemma and tell me off ) with anger and sign off MSN. I feel angry, I don't know if i was wrong to go mad or if they did just leave me out. I feel tired so I put the dinner plate on the floor by my bedside, knowing my mum told me to bring it down, and climb into bed in my clothes and drift off into a deep restful sleep.