The Blinding Light

Forgive And Forget

I waited all night for a call from Fm104 but it never came. I decided to turn on my laptop and see who’s online. I see Suzie and Gemma’s names and it says I have them blocked. I unblock them and invite them both into a convo to tell them I’m sorry. “Hey guys, look I’m sorry I went mad at yous, I don’t know what came over me”. They both begin to type then I see a message from Suzie, “It’s OK Margi, I forgive you, we were only thinking of you though”. “Yeah Margi I forgive you too but you need to chill”. I feel a shock of relief coming over me as I wasn’t expecting them to let it go so easily. “OK well anyway.. I better go I’m tired and had a bad day. Ill tell you both all about it tomorrow.
I log off MSN and close down the laptop. My phone had no missed calls and no messages so I know now I didn’t win the tickets, but at this stage, I was just glad to have my best friends back. I turn on my I-Pod and listen to some Fall Out Boy to try help me sleep.
The morning time comes round again and i feel much better about going to school today. The bruise on my cheek has gone down a good bit so people might not notice it that much. I get dressed, grab an apple and leave for the bus. This time I'm early and I have to wait a few minuets for the bus. When the bus finally arrives I get on and see Suzie and Gemma throwing me a smile. I sit down at the seat next to them and tell them what happened yesterday. "Oh my God, Margi are you Ok? its all our fault!!" "Its not you or Suzie's fault Gemma, Its mine". We walk inside and Clara and her gang do nothing to me but laugh and make comments to one another, which by now I'm used to.
We spent the whole day talking about anything and how good the concert is going to be, I didn't mind so much this time cause I know its not their fault I cant go and they're aloud to be excited. The bell goes and I'm walking home after waving Suzie and Gemma goodbye. I feel good about myself now and am thankful to have them as friends.Halfway home I feel my phone ring and hear Elliot Minors Still Figuring Out play. I look at the number startled as I don't recognize it. It looks a bit familiar but not much. "Hello?" "Hi is this Margi?" "It is yeah" "Hi Margi this is Claire from Fm104 speaking, Congratulations Margi you won yourself two tickets to see Elliot Minor!" I feel my heartbeat stop and stand still in the middle of the path. I finally manage to get something out, scream something out, "OMG!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH! I - I CANT BELIEVE IT!" "Haha! well done Margi just text your details and we'll send them right out!"
As I run up the road thinking of how lucky I am and how happy Suzie and Gemma will be, I think about the spare ticket I'll have.