The Blinding Light

The Suspence

Its coming near Halloween, and the concert. Suzie, Gemma and I are thinking about dressing up as mummies, were all going to stay in my house that night and watch scary movies. Its the second last day of school and were so excited to get off for Halloween. All we can talk about is the concert, and Jamie. I seen him walk by a few times and he gives me a sneaky smile, every time he does i get butterflies in my stomach, so much, they sting my insides.
"So Margi.." Gemma has a sly smile on her face. "What you going to wear to impress Jamie? the concerts only a week and a half away..." "I dunno yet, I'm just gonna be myself". "Yeah thats a good idea, you should wear your yellow skinny jeans, there nice" "Nah.. i think ill wear my blue ones". We laugh, but Suzie doesn't. "Whats the matter Suzie?" I ask as I'm now looking as startled as she was. "Oh nothing .. I was just in a bit of a daydream there!"
Were walking down the hall and then someone stops us, Its Jamie. "Hey girls, I'm having a party on Halloween, please come along. Margi knows where I live". "He smiles and walks away. I'm standing there with my eyes wide and my stomach doing flips. "Oh my God Margi now isn't that great!" I look at Suzie and smile "Its awesome!" We head for science class talking about it, the next two weeks are going to be the best of my life.
The next day of school was horrible, the suspense we were in was unreal. We were talking all through the classes about the party, all through lunch about the concert. The day came to an end and Suzie and Gemma came to my house for dinner. "Suzie i haven't seen you in a while! your looking well! and Gemma.. your new haircut is really nice!" My mum was glad to see them. After dinner and a long mess around in my room, Suzie and Gemma had to go home. I waved them goodbye and relaxed with a nice cup of tea, the TV and of coarse, my laptop ready for the week ahead.