The Blinding Light

Where The Fun Ends

I awake before my alarm today as today is the day of the concert. Suzie and Gemma are going to wait in line extra early to try get a good place and maybe see the band arrive. I go to my wardrobe and take out some clothes I put away for tonight. I throw on my blue skinny jeans, my same colour Elliot Minor T-shirt and my black converse. I’m soo excited its unreal. My whole day has been spent moping around the house trying to keep myself occupied.
The time to meet up with Jamie has finally arrived. I’m waiting at the bus stop about ten minuets when I start to worry as he only lives up the road. I get a text message the screen shows it’s from Jamie. “Hi Margi, ill meet you at the venue I have you a place in line, ill see you there”. I feel like crying. But I’m not yet sure if I should be upset.
I arrive at the venue and see Jamie in line after a bit of a hunt. I feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me as I think I see him with Suzie and Gemma.
I go up to them in line and say my hellos. “Jamie how come you didn’t meet me at the bus stop?” “I was going to but when I left the bus was on its way and Suzie was texting me. She told me she’s already there so I thought it would be good to keep you a space in line!”. I let it slip and notice that Suzie is wearing her bright yellow skinny jeans. “Suzie you look really nice!” I hear Jamie say. I feel the green eyed monster arise in me again.
We finally get to go inside and the support band were OK. Elliot Minor were amazing, the lights, the stage and most of all, their voices. I was a bit upset though cause the during the whole concert so I’m hoping to see him outside.
I go outside and halfway out I lose Gemma in the bunch of people trying to get out. I go outside and try to ring Suzie, Gemma and Jamie. Neither of them answer. I go around the back and I nearly choke. The first thing I see is Suzie, Gemma and Jamie walking towards me. But the horrible part was Suzie and Jamie were locked in hands. I see them look at me and I feel my eyes fill. I run back around the front and up the road. I don’t know where I’m going but I do know its away from them.