Alone In The Dark

Alone In The Dark

She hadn’t intended to break into his house. But the light..! She had to find out where the light came from, wasn’t it obvious to him? Of course she’d never do anything to hurt him or anyone around him or anything in his possession – but the light, it couldn’t be left alone..!

But he didn’t believe him, and neither did the police, no matter how many times she told them. She had walked by his house in the middle of the night, just walked by with no intentions of even looking in the direction of it. But there had been a small light in one of the windows, and she hadn’t been able to see its source. She had to get inside to find the source of the light, wasn’t it obvious? Wasn’t it obvious to them, that the light couldn’t be left alone? How could she leave it alone, would they like to be left alone in the middle of night in a dark house? But the house wasn’t dark, they had said to her, there had been this light, hadn’t it?

But they didn’t understand. How could they ever, they were no lights, they were policemen, and policemen aren’t lights. But there had been a light inside the house and she couldn’t have left it alone. She had to get inside to get to the light and see where it came from. That’s why she had broken the window, because the door had been locked and she didn’t want to wake anyone by ringing the door bell, so she smashed a window. There had been glass and blood, she thought it was her own blood but she couldn’t be sure. But there had been both of those things, and the light and a dog. A big dog that barked and growled at her and kept her from getting to the light, no matter how much she wanted to reach it, the dog was in the way, barking and growling.

His look when he saw her told her he didn’t understand that the light couldn’t be left alone, that she needed to get to it, that was the reason she broke into his house. No one ever understood the things she did, they said she was insane or mentally unstable, but she just wanted to be there for the light, alone in the dark.
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I wrote this in the middle of some night in 2006. I think I had seen some strange show and it sort of popped up in my head. No, I wrote it in the morning... Or not. Gah, I don't remember. But anyway. I wrote it.