When your worlds at an end find a vampire to start it again


Layla sat on the couch looking down in disgust at the drink in her hand. Hot tears pressed from behind her eyes as she tried desperately to hold them back. She tore her gaze away from the blasted drink to look at the ceiling. But out of the corner of her eye she saw them sitting right across the room from her tongue wrestling. It was sickening. Didn’t he have any idea how much of a slut she was? Layla thought to herself. Well it hardly mattered anymore. He had chosen whose bed to lay in and it would never be her own.

“I need something stronger then this.” Layla muttered to herself as she got up and almost ran from the room. Why oh why was she letting those two losers do this to her. She hadn’t had a drink in months why now did she have to do this to herself? It didn’t matter anymore those two in there where the last two people in the world she had cared about. Kali her best friend had always “had her back” as Layla had put it. The two had always been inseparable since kindergarten. And Josh was her perfect boy friend… well nearly perfect now. Dumping her the second Kali had put a hand on him.

“Can I have that?” she asked a drunken boy sitting on a couch passed out. “Thank you.” She said brightly as she took the nearly full bottle of vodka from his hand. I looked as if he had only managed two mouth fulls of the stuff before he had passed out. Shaking her head Layla walked away.

After downing half the bottle she walked out onto the patio to get some air and think. What was she doing here? Kali had invited her just for fun. Vaguely she wondered if Kali had been planning the whole time to steal Josh from her.

She wondered weather Kali had thought of the fact that Layla only had two people left in the world to care about. When she was born Layla’s father had walked out on her mother. The two had lived in relative peace for 17 years. It was of coarse a struggle with money and such. Layla’s mother had worked two jobs for years to support the two of them, and though Layla was never able to have every thing she wanted she had never complained, just held any sadness under a smile. That had always been her motto. Then two months ago Layla had gotten a call from the hospital. Her mother was in a car crash.

Thinking back to that night made Layla down the rest of the bottle, but still she would need something stronger before she would be close to drunk. Maybe a little whiskey would do the trick. She glanced around the party to see a handsome young man standing with three bottles in his hands. She chunked the empty bottle over the railing and then walked up to the half drunk boy.

“May I have some of that?” She asked.

“Oh if you think you can handle it.” said the boy handing her one of the bottles many bottles in his hand. He had his arms draped two girls Layla had seen at school, though she didn’t know their names. One of them giggled and started to say something. That was Layla’s cue to turn and walk away.

She walked back to the railing of the patio that was suspended a story over the ground. She took of the liquid that burned her throat and then leaned over the side of the railing thinking ‘I wonder if a fall from this high would kill me…’

"That stuffs a little strong isn’t it, for a girl like you?” asked a guy standing just a few feet away. He had a gorgeous smile on his face. He had chocolate colored hair that oddly matched with his icy blue eyes. He stepped closer and acted as if he was going to take the bottle from her hand.

“No go find your own.” Layla said pulling the bottle out of his reach and then taking yet another swig of the vile liquid. He laughed at this and asked

“Are you just trying to get drunk or something, from the looks of this party that’s a good way to go off and ruin your life.” He said nodding toward a couple that was trying to sneak unnoticed into a closet. The girl was barely able to stand from the looks of it and Layla wondered how on earth she intended to sneak.

“I don’t have much of a life left to ruin.” She said glancing at the railing again. At this the boy laughed again.

“What? You’ve got to be kidding me a pretty girl like you?” he said giving her a smile that was so big it made the skin next to his eyes crinkle. The effect was stunning and made Layla’s stomach flip. She just looked away from the boy off into the sky. The stars looked like little diamonds against an almost black background. She wondered if her Mother was one of them smiling down at her

“Oh look Layla’s already got a new man for herself.” said a voice that Layla immediately recognized.

“Why don’t you go screw Josh and leave me alone Kali.” Layla said gripping the railing wondering weather to just jump now or let it drag out for a little longer.

“Oh I already did Love, and let me tell you he was great in bed,” Kali cackled “Why you never tried it I’ll never know.” At this Layla turned to face her. She said nothing, just looked at the girl she had once called friend. She knew that Kali had always liked Josh, but this was ridiculous. As she walked away Lay chugged down another half of the bottle in her hand.

“Drinking just because you lost your boyfriend? How like your slut of a mother.” Kali said. It wasn’t like Layla thought about it but just did it. Maybe it was the combined thoughts of killing her self and killing Kali that made her do it, but in a second Layla was flying at Kali.

For a moment Layla realized what she had done and whether both of them would meet the same end, and then she felt the world drop out from under her as both her and Kali went over the railing. Layla closed her eyes and held her breath as she felt the wind rush past her ears waiting for the smack at the end of the fall, but just as her fall properly started she felt her ankle being wrapped in an iron grip she looked up, or down depending on how you looked at it, and saw the face of the boy she had been talking to before. He was grinning as if the effort of holding Layla suspend in the air was as easy as grabbing a piece of paper in mid air.

And that’s when she realized that this was no ordinary boy.
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So yeah I have this one on quizilla but I think I'm going to move here because quizilla is starting to suck.... really bad