When your worlds at an end find a vampire to start it again


Lee’s point of view

I opened the door just as her mind was quieted. For a moment I was worried about whether she would be okay, but she seemed happier now that she didn’t have to think or fight back tears or try to put up an act. Her thoughts where a lot more peaceful now that she slept. I reached across the seat and laid the chair back so she would be at least a little more comfortable. As when I did this my hand brushed against her hand and I felt her soft warm skin. It was so welcoming. I wanted to get out and hold her for a little while.

Shaking the almost foreign thoughts from my head, I started up the car. I heard her mutter something that sounded a lot like “Cotton candy” and grinned then I sped off into the night but the sound of the engine drowned out anymore mutterings that she may have made.

With Layla asleep and no one else around to interrupt my thoughts I began to think about why I had done so many strange things in the past fifteen minutes. Was it perhaps the diet I had been on for the past 200 years was finally making me go soft the way some of the vampire coven had suggested? Human blood had not passed my lips in that time and maybe that fact did make me a little more compassionate, but there was a deeper meaning to my actions I just wasn’t aware of it yet.

I looked away from the road for a moment to look at the sleeping form of the girl that lay next to me. She was beautiful even passed out distressed and drunk. Her brown hair cascaded around her in strands so luscious it would have made the goddess of love her self jealous, and her lips where placed so perfectly on her face, it reminded me of some of the sculptures I had seen Michelangelo carve. But the thing that captivated me the most was her mind

Tonight I had seen further into her mind then possibly even she had ever gone consciously and yet I still hardly understood her. She defiantly was like no other human girl I had ever met. I had seen her enormous emotional strength and I admired that. She could handle way more then I would ever have been able to handle and yet she had paid dearly for that strength. It was clear she had few friends, and with no family left she was now completely alone in the world.

But she thought it was all her doing…all the bad things that had ever happened. She blamed her self. Even her own mother’s death was her fault in her eyes. I wanted so desperately to show her that it was not her fault, to show how beautiful she was, and how smart and strong she truly was. How could a girl so perfect think that she deserved no better then to be kicked while she was down and spat on, by the people she loved the most.

That was why I had saved her. I could never let such a master piece of nature die with out knowing how she had made the world a much better place just by existing.

But there was one more thing that was there something else that tore at the back of my mind and I couldn’t put my finger on it. She reminded me of someone… someone I had almost forgotten, but that was crazy Vampires never forget anything.

The sun was starting to rise when I finally arrived home. I carried her up the steps quietly into the massive house. Why Ridge insisted that he live like this I have no idea. It was ridiculous, but then Ridge had always been over the top I had hoped that with time he would mellow out…I was still waiting.

“And who might this be?” asked Clytemnestra. She was one of the most powerful vampires and I had to tread carefully around her although she would never be stronger then me.

“A girl I met.” I said simply stated walking around her to get to the door of my room. I couldn’t think of a better place to put her until she woke up and decided on where to go and what she was doing. She mite even decides to go home to the house she had inherited when her mother died,

But I would offer her a home here for now.
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Hope you've liked it so far boy I live to write so I love this story =]