Pretty Girl


The last time I saw you, the first and last time I admired you, I was mesmerized.

Looking at you, it makes me cry, thinking about all the horrible things I thought about you. I was so blinded by you, then and now, but in different ways. The first time I saw you, I was blinded with the ideology that society planted in my brain about what was considered beautiful. And now today, I am blinded by the true beauty that you radiate.

You may be fat, but you now embrace the chub. You may have stretch marks graffitied on your body, but you claim them as your battle scars from the growth of your body. You may have blemishes, but you say that it’s okay because you are working to treating your skin better. You may wear glasses, but you’re happy with it because you can now see the beauty of the world in clear vision. You may have large feet, but you’re okay because they take you on adventures. You may not have white skin or the characteristics of a white person, but you’re okay because you love the Latinx characteristics you are born with. You may not have the best teeth or the best voice, but it’s okay because the sound of your laughter is all that matters.

You are okay with it all, and that is what truly makes you beautiful.

It makes me cry to think about it. I shed these tears for treating you like you were nothing when you are in fact everything. I shed these tears for looking at you like specks of dust when you were a glimmering diamond this entire time. I shed these tears for every moment you ever cried out to God, questioning why they made you feel and look so hideous.

I love you. I love you so much. It’s a love that is strong that you won’t ever need anyone else to make you feel loved, or make you feel like you can do anything. Every time I look at you, I fall more and more in love with the pretty girl you are.

You never needed someone else to make you feel beautiful, you needed me. And so you called, and I came to you. I looked into the mirror, and I see you staring back at me. That’s when I remember that you are me, and that I should have never let my light dim. I should have never treated myself so horribly.

I love who I’ve become, even if society doesn’t love me. But that’s okay because I’m a pretty girl.
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This is the end! Thank you all for reading this story. The topic for this entry is supposed to be about love. I had two ideas for the entry to be about falling in love. But then I realized that I didn't like them, and wanted to write about the best type of love: self-love.

I don’t think this is the best example of my work, but I love this either way. This piece is a large reflection of myself and the lack of self-love I have for myself. Writing this, writing my flaws and my "perfections," made me remember how human I am and how worthy I am. I hope you all can find that within yourselves, my beautiful readers.