‹ Prequel: A King and A Girl

Queen of the Banished

Towards the Sea

The carriage ride was silent, aside from Zaide’s occasional crying. Rabia wouldn’t look at Ganondorf. Nabooru and Kamilah kept sharing concerned looks, but neither of them dared to ask the question on all of their minds. It was evening when the carriage reached the river. The four of them crossed the swaying bridge, over the border between the two kingdoms. The Hylian guards waited, vigilant, as they crossed back into their own kingdom.
The guard closest to the bridge drew his sword and severed the ropes suspending the bridge on the Hylian border, removing all means of travel between the two kingdoms. The bridge fell, clattering against the canyon rocks as it dangled over the roaring waters below. The carriage took off again, at a much faster pace, back towards Hyrule Field. Ganondorf watched it disappear into the darkness, sadness settling over his features.

“I’d like to get home before nightfall,” Rabia said, striding away towards the valley. Kamilah and Nabooru followed close behind and Ganondorf trailed at the back, eyes shuttered.

News of their return had travelled to the valley quickly. It seemed everyone was waiting when they finally entered the valley. Their faces were somber as they took in their King, thoroughly defeated. Kabira approached, Aveil by her side, and they both bowed before Rabia and Ganondorf. Everyone else followed suit.

“Everything here has been well,” Kabira said as she straightened. She stared at them, her eyes alight with curiosity. Rabia looked at Ganondorf, but he said nothing. She sighed and handed Zaide to him, and cleared her throat.

“I’m sure you’ve all heard the news,” Rabia started. “But for those who haven’t, the Gerudo people have been banned from Castle Town until Princess Zelda sees fit to remove the ban.” A bunch of muttering and angry cries broke out at this.

“How are we supposed to get supplies now?” someone cried, followed by exclamations of agreement.

“That’s enough,” Rabia said. They all quieted. “Everything is going to be fine,” she assured them. “I have negotiated trade deals with Altea, Orsterra, and Alberia, nations across the sea.” Ganondorf looked up in surprise, but before he could say anything, she continued. “While we were gone I had a small team find where the desert meets the sea. They build a port and several ships. Our first vessel is on schedule to leave in the morning, captained by Aveil.” She ignored several questions shouted in her direction as she headed back to their home. Ganondorf trailed after her, leaving Kabira to handle the others.

“Was that true?” Ganondorf asked, hours later. They were in bed, Rabia reading a book. Zaide was fast asleep in his crib nearby and the fortress had finally quieted for the evening. Rabia set her book aside and gave him a look.

“Of course it was true,” she said. “You aren’t the only one with secret projects. I started working on this back when you were still negotiating with Zelda.”

“You thought I’d fail.”

“No,” Rabia said. “I know her better than you do. She didn’t trust you - with good reason, might I add - and she wasn’t ever going to. I was covering all our bases.”

“...Thank you,” he said. Rabia didn’t answer. She switched off her lamp and turned away from him to sleep.


The next morning, they were up bright and early. The valley was bustling with activity as glass blowers, horse trainers, potters and jewelers finished packing up their goods and saddling up a couple domesticated sand seals. Ganondorf followed Rabia outside and the two mounted their horses. Once everyone was ready, they started off after Aveil, the small group following behind.

The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon, the water a clear, sapphirine blue. The warm waves lapped up onto the golden sand in sea-foam lined waves, and a comfortably cool breeze blew across the surface of the water. A large ship sat in the water by the docks, upon which Aveil’s small crew was already waiting.

“Alright everyone, pack up!” Aveil called. The artisans began to load their boxes and bags in the bowels of the ships, under direction of Aveil. The rest of the crew helped the horse trainers bring their horses onto the deck of the ship and secure them in the stables. Everything was packed away, and soon everyone but the crew were back on the beach. Aveil knelt with her fist across her chest before Ganondorf and Rabia, then stood again.

“Saktba da,” (1) Rabia said to her.

“Kitit,” (2) Aveil nodded respectfully, then boarded the ship behind their crew and soon they were sailing away. After waving their goodbyes to the ship, the gathered crowd finally turned back to the valley to return home, chatting excitedly to each other. Ganondorf and Rabia stayed behind together, watching the ship as it sailed away into the sunrise. After the voices of the crowd faded away, Ganondorf turned to Rabia.

“Thank you, for looking out for our people when I didn’t,” he said. “I know now that they’re going to be fine but… are we going to be okay?” he asked. For the first time in weeks, she turned to him with a genuine smile and took his hand.

“We’re going to be fine.” She mounted her horse, and the two rode home together.
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The final chapter of a three part fic! It's been a LONG time coming, but we're done! I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

1. Travel Well
2. Thank you