What ever happened to "little miss sunshine"?

chapter one: The end of my "happily ever after" th

So you may know me. I'm that girl that sits at the table next to the gorgeous queen bee and never complains about the spot light. I'm not the prettiest girl in the world but I'm also not the ugliest by any stretch of the imagination. I'm the one who loves to laugh and thinks smiling should be a sport. I'm that girl in the movie they call the "supporting role", but now it's time you herd my story it might not make you jump to your feet and scream and cry out in victory but it's my story and it's not that boring if I may say so.

I was just going along with the flow enjoying life and all that came with it. Sure my life had its quirks, my dad was currently looking for a better job then the one he had. See my daddy worked with crazy people, trying to help them get ready for life out on their own with normal people. Once when he wore a tie one of his clients tried to choke him to death with it. But that wasn't the worse part of my dad's job. He had a Masters and all kinds of certifications but they only paid him $8.50 an hour, he could make that much at McDonalds, needless to say he was looking else where for employment.

My parents would often fight about money and such but it didn't really bother me that much. Worse things have happened.
Any way it was November of my freshman year when my story started. I was ending a past story coming to a "happily ever after" and starting at "Once upon a time", a new part of my life had begun.

I had just turned 15 yeah man that's right I had my permit and everything. I was legally aloud to be behind the wheel. I was a freshman and all grown up. Or at least that's what I figured at the time. I got into high school and went crazy. You had to book me two weeks in advance if you wanted to hang. I was always off at football games or going to the movies or just chillin with my girls.

My best friend Megan was worse then me. She had boys on her mind and couldn't take just one. She had all the upper class men after her. Not a week went by when a new boy wasn't sitting next to Meg at the lunch table, and some times three or four. I'm not great with older adorable guys; I can never talk much around them.

Megan was the cheerleader, preppy, crazy queen bee that I mentioned, and she was awesome as a best friend. I didn't envy her though I didn't like the seniors they where very intimidating and I knew my parents would never let me go out with any of them so I would just cheer Megan on from the side lines and wait for my turn.

I had the usual classes for my age except for algebra 1. There where a bunch of sophomores in that class and one Junior named Jake. Of course I didn't realize he was a Juinor until second quarter because he was very short. He was only about two inches taller then I was so I thought for the longest time that he was a freshman. Jake was the kind of guy that when you first looked at him you thought "Wow he's a cutie" then when you looked closer you where like " Oh…never mind." But he sat behind me in class so on those odd days when we had time to just sit and talk to people I would talk to Jake.

I also happened to have Jake in my Science class. He often sat by himself in the middle of the room in that row that separated the "cool people" from the brain cases.
I would sometimes talk to him in there too.

Anyway school went on and I slowly but surely feel out of love with the most perfect guy I have ever met. Alex was the president of the freshman class, had a good head on his solders and was of course the sexiest man alive. He made Brad Pitt look like that bum in the subway you always avoid that has no teeth and smells like week old cat litter.

There where several problems for me in liking Alex, first of all he had a girlfriend, second he was my best guy friend and third, every other girl on the planet was in love with him too. The boy was cute but had an ego the size of a hot air balloon.

Eighth grade year at the end of the year dance Meg and I got mad at him for being so pig headed so we waited till he left and was headed home then we stopped him and squirted our water bottles on him and made him walk home all wet. I flicked my hair in his face when I turned to leave and he looked at Meg and said with the usual Alex timing

"You know this isn't going to make me like her anymore." Meg just let out a disgusted laugh and replied "I don't think she cares that much" and then dumped the rest of her water bottle on him then made her grand exit as well. It was the talk of the school for a while after that. Alex made up with me and Meg three days later it was no big deal; however Alex hasn't been to a dance since...

It was Christmas now and everything for me was about to change. In one simple box were a thousand answers to my prayers and right next to those answers where ten thousands of my nightmares come true. In this little box no bigger then the palm of my hand was what I had never in my dreams thought I would posses. It was a shiny new Motorola Razor and that's where my "Once upon a time" began, and my "Happily ever after" ended, with the opening of a little unassuming box…
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I love this story so much!!! it's not finished yet but I hope it will be soon.