What ever happened to "little miss sunshine"?


"THANK YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs my dad just laughed and my mom smiled serenely. I couldn't hold back the emotion that was so built up on the inside of me finally I flung my arms around my dad and just started to cry. My dad was clearly surprised by this. Then finally when I had calmed down enough my dad smiled and said

"and you have unlimited texting too!" that of course made me cry even more I was so overjoyed. I didn't think that we had had the money to get such an expensive gift.

"Your dad found a new job Lilly, today was his last day." My mother said beaming

"WHAT!?" three voices screamed in unison. My little sister and brother looked just as shocked as I did. It was incredible. In the rest of my presents where all kinds of goodies, books, clothes, Guitar Hero 3, and a new I-pod Nano. I almost peed myself when I opened the I-pod that one was a complete shock. I had thought I was getting one of the shuffles but my parents had had a crazy moment in the store and decided I deserved it for one reason or another. Everything was perfect I thought to myself. I have everything I have ever wanted now…

But a little voice at the back of my head whispered "Not true there's one thing you still haven't had yet… A kiss" this set me backs a few steps. Sure the gifts where great but a kiss, that's the one thing I had wanted since I was a little girl, since I had watched my first chick flick with my mom, and since I had herd my first fairytale. Little did I know that one of the little gifts in front of me would provide the means to that very thing that I wanted the most, a kiss.

"Wow it's so shinny!!!" Megan said in awe.

"Yeah how much memory does it have?" Chelsea asked starting at my new Ipod.

"Only 4 gigs I didn't need anymore then that." I replied with a smile. They all smiled back.

It was the first day back to school after Christmas break, we where all sitting around the table at lunch swapping stories and showing off all our new gadgets. Megan as it turned out had finally decided that she would settle for Mr. Wyatt Dunham, the captain of the varsity basketball team. I just shook my head to my self as Wyatt and Megan made goo-goo eyes at each other and rolled my eyes at Chelsea across the table. Just then Hope sat down next to her with a tray. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"What is that brown stuff? It looks like cat vomit." Chelsea said giving the tray a horrified look.

"Um I'm not really sure but I think they're supposed to be baked beans." Said Hope poking, the brown substance carefully with her fork.

"That's what they tell you it is anyway…" I said frowning and shaking my head. Heather and Alexis laughed loudly at this and then started whispering to them selves about some inside joke or another.

"So Lilly did you meet anyone over Christmas?" Megan asked.

"Well not really there where a bunch of cute guys at the new years eve party I went to. It was a church thing and you know how adorable those Christian guys can be." I said smiling while all the girls around the table started to laugh and then in unison turned to look at Alex who was sitting one table over talking to some of his buddies on the football team.

"What's so funny?" Wyatt asked. He never went to church but called himself Christian so clearly he thought that we should all be looking at him

"Nothing Wyatt nothing at all." Meg said returning her attention to him and smiling. The boy needed constant attention all the time.

"Hey Chels` did you finally give Clayton that call?" I asked realizing that Megan wasn't going to be much of a conversation starter at this point.
Chelsea went bright red in the face. She always did this when I mentioned Clayton strong to her. I personally thought the boy was a lost cause. He was a sophomore had blond hair and was way cute and stuff, but he had dated Alison Tompkins all last summer and probably had AIDS now because of it, at the very least herpes.

"No I didn't." Chelsea said quietly

"Well when are you going to get a move on? You've liked him for what a month now and you still haven't even asked for his number." Alexis said flashing Chelsea a big braces smile. The blue on her braces was always noticeable because her dark red hair and yellow eye's clashed brilliantly with them. Chelsea just made some incoherent mumbling noises and started to absently dig though her purse. Just then Jordan Marks jumped out from Alexis's chair and grabbed her shoulders.

"BOO!" he said loudly Alexis jumped and let out a little squeak. Heather immediately started laughing and pointing at Alexis. In between her giggles I managed to catch the words

"YOU'RE...FACE" but the rest was drowned out by the laughter of everyone else at the table and my own. Alexis looked like she had just seen Mrs. Jess the old wrinkly English teacher in a bikini, terrified. Wyatt laughed so hard milk came out his nose. Alexis finally came out of shock and turned around and smacked Jordan on the arm.

"OWCH!!! I was just having some fun." He whined. Meg was now roaring with laughter.

Jordan grinned wide at her. Wyatt apparently didn't like that because he dragged Meg's chair closer and immediately started a conversation to take her attention away from the rest of the table.

I shook my head, Wyatt was very jealous of any boy that Meg gave any attention to. He had a good reason to of course. 90 present of the time when Meg would talk to a guy she would be flirting. It was just the way she was.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and I looked up to see who they belonged to only to find my self starring into the face of an angel. I blinked and realized it was only Alex. He smiled down at me and I felt my stomach do a belly flop into my intestines I smiled back at the stupid boy.

"You gunna be at church tonight?" He asked.

"Oh maybe if my mom feels up to taking me, she's always tired after work." I said looking away from his perfect face to pick at my purse.

"Well I can give you a ride if you need one." He said removing his hands so he could share my chair with me. He smelled wonderful and his brilliant shiny brow messy hair brushed my cheek as he sat, some how he had figured out the perfect way to arrange it in a halo around his head to make him the most attractive. I swear no woman stood a chance around this guy.

"Okay I'll give you a call if I need one." I said quietly.

He leaned back in the chair and put his arm nonchalantly around me to sneak the cookie Heather was about to eat out of her hand. Heather had her mouth opened and was starring down her nose at the cookie it's self when he did this. She wore the most pathetic look in the world as the cookie was slowly removed from her hand and drifted towards Alex's waiting mouth. I couldn't help but laugh at this. Heather was silly sometimes.

Alex took a small bite then munched thoughtfully while Heather watched him. She looked as if he where having some major internal struggle problems going on. On the one hand it was her cookie and on the other it was Alex the sexiest boy alive. While Heather was trying to make a decision as to what to do, Alex held the cookie up to my mouth and gave ma a look that seemed to ask if I wanted some. I smirked then took a small bite to then Alex put the cookie back in Heathers hand. She looked positively thrilled and gobbled the rest of it down before anyone else got any ideas.

Then I notice that Alex had left his hand around my shoulders. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to think about this. Alex was a confusing boy, I could never tell what his motives where behind anything he did. Just then the bell rang for the end of lunch and Alex jumped up waved by to everyone then took off in the direction of his algebra 2 class. The stupid, smart, perfect boy was in an even more advanced class then me. Sometimes I wanted to smack him for being flawless.
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This one goes out to all the girls who met mister perfect...and realized he wasn't perfect!