


What is this world based around? Well, in this day and age its based around money. But what is money? What is money but a piece of green paper? How is it that the worth of a piece of paper increases when the number on the bill is higher, how does that make a difference? In my eyes it really doesn’t. – I suppose that maybe I should have thought that through before I wrote it. It’s just that I can’t see the purpose behind money. I know that I definitely do hate it though. I hate everything its about, and everything it represents. Money. Money= SHIT. Dolls, barbies, pieces of plastic. Made in China for about 15-20 Cents and shipped to the U.S. and sold for about $20.00. It makes sense right? I hate it. People crave money like they crave air. It’s disgusting. – I also think that the fear of death isn’t of death itself but what follows. For me, the reason that death is feared is because no one knows what comes after it. The unknown is what people fear. The mystery of it. Space is another mystery. When will we know what is really out there? Never. It’s impossible. We are but a planet in a solar system in a galaxy among the universe Its scary when you actually think about it. How did we really get here? Not Adam and Eve, that’s for sure. People don’t just appear. And we couldn’t have just been placed here by a “god”. I think god was and is a simple answer for a lot of questions. Which ties back to death. What’s after it? “Heaven and hell” A religious related answer to what comes after life but we don’t know jack. I cant even process the fact of dinosaurs, completely off the subject. But think about it (as if I’m talking to someone) Massive creatures, how? Everything ties into everything. How did dinosaurs get here? “God” I suppose is an answer, a false one, but an answer.
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