‹ Prequel: Starry Eyes
Sequel: Power Over Me

Devil with Angel Eyes

Surroundings don't define you

“So you and Douglas are back together?” Ashley asks from the other room as I get out of the final outfit I’m trying on for the tour.

“Don’t, Ashley. Just don’t.” I tell him before re-emerging from the room, pulling my Ratt t-shirt over my head. “You are in no position to give me grief for returning to an ex. I dated you on and off for years.”

“I’m not giving you grief, just asking a question.”

“But there’s the thing, I know you.” I narrow my eyes. “I know the hidden meanings behind your words.”

“No hidden meanings this time around, babe.” He smiles. And it’s a truly genuine smile. Not one of his smart assy smiles.

My eyes are narrowed. “Who are you and what have you done with Ashley?”

He lets out a chuckle. “I grew up. A shocker I know. But I figured if I can’t date you, I’d still want to be in your life. And if I want to be in your life, I’ve got to be less of a douchebag. Plus we are working together now.”

“So how is our little project going to work with you being in Black Veil Brides?” I ask him.

He takes a deep breath and looks right in my eyes. “So I’ve got to tell you something and you can’t tell anyone. The only people that know this are the guys.”

“Ash, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

“I’m officially not with the band anymore.” He tells me. “I’ve left the band.” My jaw drops in shock. “And before you blame yourself for this decision, I’ll tell you now; it’s not your fault. I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. The songs we’ve worked on have been my most inspired work in years. Our vision is exactly what both of us need.”

“Are you sure it’s not my fault?” I ask him. He nods in reassurance. “So are you going to defend me when your fans start blaming me? Unlike all the times we broke up.”

“With all my heart.” He smiles. “Because for once, you’re not to blame. Not even a little bit.”

“I wish you wouldn’t have told me this.” I whine. “Not before I head out on tour. I hate keeping secrets from people.”

“You’ll be fine.” He chuckles. “You’re a pro at keeping secrets from people.”

“The only secret I have is our sex tape and guess what PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT.”

“But they haven’t seen it.” He counters.

“Colson is really trying to see it though.” I laugh. “Honestly, I think he just wants to see my ass.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t shown him yet.”

“He played my dad. It’s weird.”

“But you were engaged to the man that played your godfather. How is that not weird?”

“I dated you and you specifically learned now to play bass to be like Nikki Sixx.” I smirk. “I never said it wasn’t weird. But it’s different.” Ashley just laughs.


“Well now we need to give our project a name.” I smile as we walk into Rainbow Room . “So what will it be rockstar?”

“I was always fond of Whiskey Rose.” He states as we follow the hostess to our table. “That was my favorite name you mentioned.”

“Mine too.” I smile. “It fits us, if I’m being honest. So should we take a picture to announce our projects name?” I ask, holding up my phone.

“What is Douglas going to think about us hanging out?”

“He knows about the project.” I inform him. “The fans will have a field day but he won’t.”

“And you don’t care about what the fans think?”

“Ash, how long have you known me?” I ask him. “Have I EVER truly cared about what fans think of me? I’m used to fans thinking the worst of me. Besides it’ll be an innocent picture. Unless you do something stupid like lick my cheek.”

“I’d never!” He places a hand over his heart. “How dare you accuse me of doing such horrible things?”

“Get over here so we can take a picture.” I order him. He moves over and our faces are close. It’s really a sweet picture but just as I press the button to take it, Ashley moves last second and licks my cheek. Sadly the picture came out perfectly. And despite everything I post it with the caption Meet Whiskey Rose.

“You’re a dick.” I tell him as I wipe the salvia off my face. “You’re lucky I don’t hate you.”

“You love me and you know it.” He shoots me his infamous cocky grin. I just shake my head as a chuckle escapes my lips. He’s sadly right
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title credit: Let Him Burn by The Relentless (Be on the look out for an update on my American Satan fanfic)

So Ashley really did leave Black Veil Brides. Hence why I wrote this. I'm sad. But this oddly enough gives me an idea later down the road. Maybe part three of this series? I'm thinking so. Don't worry, Nik will be with Doug. Ashley is not getting in the way of that.

Anyway, comment&subscribe? I know this was a fillerish thing. But I was inspired by Ashley!