

Sometimes it seems like human nature for one to want what they can’t have, or to want to do what they are forbidden to do. For Amber, it was either the fact that every other week she was dying her blonde roots black, or whenever she had a chance to, she would wander into chat rooms, the ones filled with lost souls that seemed to be just like her. For her it wasn’t what the ‘rents had told her. Her websites were perfectly safe. Besides, everyone had pictures, how could a ‘creepy fifty year old man’ put a picture on a site without seeming a bit… weird. Even if it wasn’t entirely safe, she wasn’t stupid. She didn’t give out ‘dangerous’ information, unless it was to someone whom she trusted.

She drummed her fingers along the desk top, waiting for AOL to load. Before her buddy list had even finished loading she had an instant message waiting for her.

Misanthhroppee: Amber. Amber. AMBER. AMBER AMBER.

The box flashed at her. She clicked the reply window and began to type.

miso MANIAC: I’m here! I’m here! Gawd. You don’t even give things a chance to load.
Misanthhroppee: ….But! It’s importaaaaaantt.
miso MANIAC: hoaf. TELL!
Misanthhroppee: I’m going to be in Jersey for a week! I finally get to meet you!

Amber’s heart skipped a beat in her chest. She had known Sadie for about a year and a half and they had become rather close. She knew all of her secrets, but didn’t have to worry about her telling them to people, for Sadie didn’t know any of Amber’s real friends.

miso MANIAC: !!! [: holyfriggingmuffins!
Misanthhroppee: I know, right? I’m so flipping excited. ^.^
miso MANIAC: Waaiitt, so is your mom gong to care that you’re meeting a … stranger?
Misanthhroppee: Dude, first of all, my mom isn’t coming. And second, my mom would probably be glad if I was kidnapped.
miso MANIAC: Well we’re going to have to make plans to meet somewhere, cause my mom wouldn’t care if someone kidnapped me, you see, she’d care when people started asking about me and then she’d have to make up a story, either that or pay someone to find me.
Misanthhroppee: lol, true that.

As the week went on, the two made plans to meet at a local coffee shop. Amber was as excited as a small child awaiting their birthday, before they realize their life will eventually turn to crap and the only things they’ll have to look forward to are taxes and death.

One week later.
She was on her way out the door when she paused, “Mom!” She shrieked, awaiting a response. When no one answered she yelled she’d be back in an hour and that she was off to the library.

Amber skipped happily down the sidewalk. She was too excited to notice any of the things that would normally bother her. For example, the sprinkler that made the sidewalk slick and dangerous. Or the fact that the sun was especially obnoxious on summer days when it took it’s place high in the sky. She was oblivious.

The door jingled as she walked in. Her eyes scanned the room, eagerly combing through the scatter of people. She was searching for the girl in black.

She didn’t see anyone who looked her age though, and the only girl who was wearing all black appeared to be probably in her late twenties, almost double ambers age. That’s probably why she was a little sketched out when the girl waved her over.

Although she was a bit skeptical, she walked over.
“Amber!” the girl exclaimed. Amber, tilted her head and looked at her, confused. She didn’t understand.
“Sadie?” she asked. The girl nodded and stood up to embrace her.

“You’re not fifteen.” Amber stated, pulling away casually. She felt lied to, betrayed.. Maybe.
Sadie frowned, then she let out a long sigh.

“I knew you wouldn’t talk to me if you knew I was twenty-six. I had to bend the truth a little. You know?”
Amber nodded slowly.

“I’ll get us some coffee” Sadie said, attempting to break the awkward silence. She stood up and pranced over to the counter.

Amber sat down. She was a bit shocked to say the least. She didn’t feel bad about it anymore… instead, just surprised. She didn’t really mind the age difference. I mean, it was the same person that had helped her through all those hard times, right? She helped her deal with her mom, and fight depression. Once you get passed the fact that she lied, and had posted all fake pictures of herself, and had a fake profile, and was lying to god knows how many other people, Amber was okay with it.

Once Sadie returned with the coffee, she suggested they drink it outside, maybe go to the mall or something. When they were in agreement of a place (the park to be exact), they got up and left, with their coffees, of course. They slowly strolled out to her car. It was a black van. Like a commercial van, but not. Amber thought it was cool looking though. She didn’t really think about it too much though. Sadie slid open the shiny black door and gave Amber what could have been deciphered as a friendly push, or an aggressive prod.

What she was shocked to see though was there was already a man, probably about Sadie’s age, sitting in the driver seat. Before Amber could say anything, the black door was slammed shut behind her. The man looked back at her. He had stringy brown hair, and a pale, but dirty face.

“That’s her? Are you kidding?” He asked. His voice was monotone and boring.
“No, I picked up some random girl,” Sadie said sarcastically. Amber could just imagine her rolling her eyes whilst saying the statement.
Panic began to rush through Amber, like waves to a shore.
She felt nervous and anxious, she could feel the contents of her stomach angrily stirring about.
She closed her eyes and heard the keys click in the ignition. When she opened her eyes she was greeted by the sight of ‘Sadie’ pulling off her black, what now appeared to be a wig, and her golden locks falling over her shoulders. Amber frantically grabbed at the door handle and attempted to pull it open. Three words came to her mind. Child Safety Lock. She was caged in.
Realizing what was happening was about all she could take.
She littered the interior of the car with her own sick.

“What the fuck?!” the man exclaimed, turning around, “I just finished making the payments for this!”

Amber couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks

“Let me go, please just let me go!” she pleaded. Nobody responded though, they just rolled down the windows to get the foul smelling air out of the car.

She banged on the windows and screamed until she was hoarse and her fists ached. Unfortunately for her, the windows were tinted, and there was music blaring from the car speakers.
She stopped crying and sunk down against the back wall. Almost an hour later she spoke.

“W-what are you going to do to me?” she stammered.
“You don’t want us to ruin the surprise, do you, Princess?” ‘Sadie’ asked. By now she doubted everything she was told by this Sadie girl.
She sniffed and nodded; “ I wouldn’t mind.”
As she said it, the van skidded off the road into a rest area. The sun was low in the sky by now and the place was deserted.
They both climbed into the back with her.
“Look at this mess, “ the man said, disgusted, motioning toward the puddle of sick.
Sadie wrinkled her nose. “Gross.”

“Please, let me go.” Amber began pleading again.
“Shut up!” Sadie screeched, tossing the now lukewarm coffee at her.
“You didn’t seem this anxious to live all those nights we spoke online, remember you’d beg me to let you hurt yourself, but I’d always talk you out of it? Just think of how I’m granting your wish now,” she smirked.
“Still feel like dying?” an evil cackle escaped her lips.

Amber looked pathetic. Shaking her head ‘no’ so quickly, covered in her own vomit and tears, now the coffee too, which dripped down her arms causing her to shiver. Her big blue eyes were swollen and her black hair was matted and dirty. She did pity herself though. One of her many flaws. Like Rose of Sharon, what could she do? Pity, pity.

When ‘Sadie’ and the man advanced on her everything went black

She was cold. So cold.
“Why is it so dark?” she thought, “What am I laying on?” , and the most alarming, “Am I dead?”
She thought about it again, and after a shocking realization, she opened her eyes.
No, she wasn’t dead. The reason she was cold was because all of her clothes were soaked.
She was laying on dried out grass. She looked up at the dark night sky and thought about what had happened.
If her eyes didn’t sting so badly, she would have probably started to cry again.
Now she was lost and didn’t have anything.
She wanted her mother over everything else, even brushing her teeth.

She checked her pockets for her phone and realized it was still there, she hit the power button, but nothing.
Someone had stolen her battery.

Amber stood up and started to walk, but soon doubled over in pain.
She stumbled back over to the grass where she had woken up, and collapsed.

When she woke up again the sun was rising.

She stood up again and attempted to walk. The pain wasn’t as bad now, so she proceeded.

Amber thought about going to the police station. That would be perfect, except for the not knowing where the police station was, and the fact that she was horrified to approach anyone.
Aside from being shy, how would you feel if someone drenched in their own blood, piss, and vomit approached you? I’m guessing not so pleased.
Therefore, she decided that could not be done.

After walking a few paces she felt lightheaded.
She began to think. When was the last time she ate something worth counting the calories for? Not yesterday. Maybe the day before. Not only was Amber a complete outcast freak, but she did have a few problems, mentally.

Hunger twisted around in her stomach, the way a vine tends to strangle a tree. She clutched her side, but kept walking onward. Letting the one familiar thing comfort her. She could taste the bittersweet taste of her organs converting into energy in her mouth.

“I’m dying.” she thought, “How did this happen to me?”

She had always been so careful.

As the day progressed she became tired. She was twenty miles from her house, she had walked about four.

Then she collapsed.

This time when she woke up, she wasn’t where she had fallen.
White tiles and fluorescent lights spun around her.
When things began to clear, she recognized the room as a hospital room.
She attempted to speak when someone gently ‘shh’d her.
Her eyes filled with tears as she stared up at her mother.
“You’re safe now,” she said softly.
Amber just nodded.
“The police want to question you, well, when you feel up to it,” she added.
Amber closed her eyes, blocking out the world.
“When can I go home,” she finally asked.
“Well you’ve only been in the coma for about a week now.. But since you’re awake…”
“About a day and a half after we run some tests,” said a voice that Amber hadn’t even realized was in the room with them.
Amber nodded, slowly taking in how much her life had changed. Realizing she herself had to make some changes. Maybe listen to her parents, obey orders, and maybe even.. Eventually… get her normal life back.